Monday, August 23, 2010

My Cute Bookmark

Joining giveaways is fun... especially when you win! LOL... it does not matter what the prize is, the fun of joining with many other bloggers you come to know, is something very different than those contests/giveaways advertised in newspaper. Din't win also never mind because you know that some of your friends did... and you feel happy for them too!

This time I got one nice bookmark from this cute pretty mommy. While this blogger here said that the bookmark suited her because of her little ladybirdie, then I wanna say this bookmark suits me too because Labbie looks like this puppy here when she was small... LOL...

Thanks Ling for this lovely bookmark!


  1. Eeeee... yalorr... this one suits you cuz the puppy. Like you holding a small Labbie! LOLOL!

  2. Wow! You won a blog giveaway! I am happy for you!! You are right about these giveaways, even when you lose, it is good to know that one of your friends has won.

  3. cleff: Ling very clever hor...

    chrisau: u go make an effort la..

    ginny: yes, that is why it is fun!

    denesa: yes it is, sure is..

  4. Nice bookmark..I rec'd mine today..

  5. very nice bookmark. I think a lot of you receive it, i can see most of the blog are posting on this. I miss the chance. :(

  6. mery: yeah, cute too

    annie: hahaha.. never mind, there are others.. i thought of doing one.. but no idea what to give yet..

  7. Indeed very cute. Can I have one? :p

  8. Yea..the pup remminded me of you Labbie, that's why i chosen this for u..hehehhehe

  9. tekkaus: for Jordan? :)

    ling: yeah, i know u r very sai sum one.. :)

  10. That's a very lovely bookmark.. lucky you :-)

  11. peiyi: yes, a cute bookmark too!

  12. This Ling ah really have "Sum Si". Give you a doggy one...Cleff a Ladybird and me a basket..basket coz balik kampung gang gua...bring a big basket kakakaka

  13., basket for u to do more shopping for books!!!

  14. Lovely bookmark really very cute...

  15. It is really a cute bookmark. You got a fine gift and I hope you are happy too. Enjoy you reading with this nice bookmark.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...