Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Independence Day ....

It will be a long weekend..... yahoooo!!!

Tomorrow is a holiday, forgot what it, lazy to go calendar and check, as long as it is a holiday, who cares! So...Friday, Saturday, Sunday.... come Monday, working day...and then Tuesday, it is MERDEKA!! (INDEPENDENCE DAY) In other words, take one day leave on Monday and I can have five days off in a row! wow....

My colleagues and I enjoy our Independence when our bosses are not around... that is really Independence!

At home when kids are not around, yes, that is Independence Day too but it is not a nice independence day.... the house will be too quiet... I don't like.

But at this moment of time, I am very happy....cos my princes are back for the long weekend, YES! So nice.... Ok, spend less time blogging these few days and spend more quality time with them... (sounds like a 24/7 mum? Cis!)

So how about you all... what are you all going to do? Anyone coming to IPOH? :)


  1. I feel the same as your independent day in the office, when boss is not around. Btw, i am going to Ipoh on Sunday,as my daughter is there for the UCMAS arithmetic competition at Glamour Square.

  2. I m going to Taiping for a makan this sunday... :)

  3. You always do such fun things with them, can't wait to see how all of you spent the holiday! Will there be fireworks?

  4. Happy Holiday, what ever it might be. LOL And happy long week-end with the family.

  5. Tomorrow is just another day off... can't sit quietly at home for I have my errands to run. That's the actual meaning for 'holiday' (settle whatever work you can't complete on normal working days)

  6. I love this great feeling of yours! Enjoy your independence day with your children!

  7. have a happy and safe time, claire!

  8. haha! cant wait for holiday too! :)

  9. woohoo! finally can relax eh?? have some free time :)

    Have a lovely day
    jen @

  10. Happy LONG holiday! I wish I could say the same too but too bad I work in KL and my company doesn't observe Nuzul al Quran! *sob* Have a great weekend with your kids anyway! :)

  11. That is so nice... 5days holiday. I have to work Friday and Saturday!

    I guess I got a post coming up now hahaa! "What I miss about being in Malaysia" haha Surely there will be a list :P.

    Have a happy holiday!

  12. it's a holiday today but william is out the whole day and i'm at home with ethan the whole day.. so nothing's really different.. and i got to work no long weekend.. :D

    but... happy holidays to YOU!

  13. hahaha, why ? is the boss too controlling? boss not there also independence? haha, be careful he read ur blog. heheehe

  14. Come, come KL.. I feed you. I dun quite like long hols... it makes my brain feel numb and dono wud to do. i prefer working days where ppl spank my buttock ask me go do my work. Hahahaha... I must be some sort of a masochist!

  15. You're good.. I'm still working today, as well as next Monday.. =_=
    But still ok la, at least Tuesday is a holiday!! :D

  16. Independence Day..i'll be locking myself in a room with books, pringles and cappucino..hahahaha..

  17. Wish you have a nice holiday ya. Too bad, I even have to work on Saturday! Cis!

  18. ginny: not so sure about fireworks in my town..

    patty: thanks!

    mingna: u r very right.. lots of stuff to update.. and lots of cleaning to do too!

    wyen: u too.. enjoy yr weekend!

    wenn: dont work so hard! hahaha..

    irene: same to u..

    caroline: be happy!

    jen: hope u enjoy too!

    LV: u will have yr fair share of hols in singapore!

  19. merryn: work happily then! ok? i be working on my own too.. :(

    goldflower: ouch.. now u reminded me, i better be careful!!

    hayley: no holiday for KL, right?

    alv: shiok!

    angeline: i be with u morally.. hahaha..

  20. So many days off... Should have grabbed the opportunity to fly over to Sibu!

  21. I still have to work. Not much difference. :D


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...