Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Once Upon A Time Jubilee Park Cabaret

Ipohians who are born in the 50s and 60s will recognise this place as one of the most "IN" during those days. It was named Jubilee Park Cabaret or Nightclub, I cannot remember, dances like "Joget," "A-go-go," "cha-cha" were on nightly with live band and at times "striptease" shows were performed here too. At night when we walked past, we could hear the live band and singers singing the Malay and English songs of the 60s. During the day, I passed by this place each time I walked to school.

The other day as I was waiting for parking, I couldn't help taking these pictures.... I have a feeling that this would be demolished soon... it has become an eye sore in Ipoh new town... but as far as I know, once-upon-a-time, this place was a "Hot Happening Area" but in today's time, it has become a "Run-down Area"... kinda sad to see it was not "uplifted."

the tall banner displayed movies titles up there those days...

the part painted in red was a cabaret...
during the Rose Chan's days..

where you can have a dance for a ticket...
but now it is desserted...
all is left is the Cabaret shell...


  1. Hahaha... Rose Chan was my late grandpa's favourite striptease... When he talked about Rose Chan, you could see sparks in his eyes.

  2. This reminds me of the tales late-Dad used to tell me. In KL, it wuz BB Park (now Low Yat area, but recently renamed BB Park once again.) Would be nostalgic to be able to buy a dance with a ticket again. :) Those cha chas, jive and fox trots are such great moves.

  3. oh i remember my late father in law telling me that he always went dancing with his "mistress" at this cabaret during the 60's :) Hmm..i don't think they will tear down this building since it's been like this for years. if they do, then they may have to tear down the whole jubilee park?

  4. Actually it is sad to see a place, once happening, is gone forever.

    I remembered in my hometown, we used to have a cinema. It was a good cinema, but ever since roads become better and cars are affordable, people started going to watch a movie in a cinema located in the city.

    So the cinema in my hometown was soon left abandoned and went bankrupt. Soooooooo saddddddd...

  5. Why suddenly so melancholy? NEVER MIND. We can still do the joget.

  6. mingna: i guess those in their 80s or 90s have seen her before then..

    gratitude: those days also more peaceful.. not like now...

    barb: one day they might..esp this back portion..it is very run down as u can see..

    willie: same here in ipoh..i think only one cinema is left standing..the rest closed up and gave in to cineplex...

    eugene:come come.. do a P.Ramlee song...

  7. Hohohoho...I'm born in the 80s, and yet I know how to dance cha cha and twist! LOL...dun believe ah? Believe it... LOL... my grandfather taught me how to cha cha and twist.... but I'm not so good at A-go-go, I'm afraid.

    My late grandma hates perempuan karberet the most. LOL... cuz my grandfather was quite a wolf back then! LOL.

    Quite unfortunate, isn't it? LOL... these days nightclub tarak dance twist, a-go-go and cha cha... LOL... else I would rock!

    ps: Strange, rite? Usually I am closer to the elder male family members like my father and grandfather and even FIL, but I can't seems to click with the elder ladies in the family.

  8. I never know about this place.....glad that you posted at your blog here.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Did you ever go there? It reminds me of all the old drive-in theaters here, almost all demolished.

  11. LOL, Rose Chan days, real hot that time. Poor lady, made lots of money but lost all of it before she died.

  12. cleff: one day we do a 60s dance together..ok? well, click with men and not ladies? that is natural la, we are ladies ma...

    isley: hotspot..hahaha.. hot hot.. chilli hot..

    mery: ipoh is famous those days...

    ginny: i was still underaged then.. cannot go in to the cabaret...

    pete: oh, what did she lose on?

  13. WOW! Ipoh got striptease? Wahhhh....macam Moulin Rouge of Ipoh!! So happening! I keep hearing of Rose Chan from my parents when I was young so I went and googled it to see what she looks like and if you want to know....http://softfilm.blogspot.com/2009/05/wild-wild-rose-chan.html

    Psssstt....go change the typo spelling error in your post title (Jubilee) cuz it will affect your Search Engine Visitors if you don't.

  14. oh...jubilee park! I love it! Well, during my time, it's all about arcade games where 20cents can play 1 game. I always sneaked out after school=, either to Wisma Angel , Jubilee Park or Seri Kinta for my dose of arcade games, if u remembers...hahaha...and always got scolded gently by your mum.

  15. mamapumpkin: hey, thanks!! orang tua ni tak nampak.. didnt check thru.. so u googled for her.. she was a legend then.. mention Rose Chan, the men drools... hahaha...

    chrisau: so .. now u spilled the beans!! no wonder that time u couldnt study well.. not so matured.. thank God u r what u r today.. so blessed la u, bro.. tot u never made it BIG!! hahahaa...

  16. Hi Reanaclaire, Holy Smoke! You really brought back memories to me.
    I used to lepas handbrake at the this Jubilee cabaret with my friends, dancing with the 'taxi girls'....Malays in skin tight sarong kebayas, Chinese in figure hugging, very high slit cheong sums....

    Can still ahemm, remember a few of their names too.
    Off beat cha cha cha, The Twist, Jiving, Rock & Roll, the Joget, Ronggeng....

    I was here many times back in the late 50's, early 60's.....as well later to Tambun In, Blue Diamond Night club....and having late night coffee or ice cream at ABJ Ipoh's first coffee house.....forgot the name of that street....near Cathay or Ruby cinema. Took several SYTs here too....

    There was this Jubilee, KL's Eastern Cabaret, JB's Mechinta, Singapore's Great World, Happy World....

    And yes, not forgetting Rose Chan, and Annie Cheah....we sure improved our Biology then, ha ha ha. And those days things were so cheap. $20 in pocket date a SYT kow tim.

    Oh ya, used to stay at Station hotel very often, Tambun Inn, even Fairmout hotel...can't remember the road name....And Eastern Hotel too.

    Used to eat that Teo Chew Moi late at nights after nite club at that couple of makan shops opposite Wet market, Foo Choo Choon street....smelly place too, with all the lorries from Camerons loading unloading there, but the food was good and cheap.
    And yours truly with sexy SYTs too, heh heh heh.

    Reanaclaire, thanks for the memories....I remember that Red building very well, *wink*. Lee.

  17. I don't know about that as I came from Taiping.

  18. Hope our government make this building 'live' again..even though Im not born in that era's, I do know Rose Chan from my parents and films too hehehe..

  19. cabaret??? wahhhhhh..... hihihihi...

  20. Thank you reanaclaire for visiting my blog.
    Aaahh, I remember Rose Chan. No, I have not watched any of her shows. We went to BB Park in KL to watch movies. Tickets were only 40 cents then. Buildings are gone but memories remained.

  21. Claire

    Looking at Uncle Lee's comment, you might have bump into him that time also :p

  22. Time passed....and some will be forgotten. :p

  23. So sad...all such places here - all gone now!!! Like the memories of those wonderful days gone by... Sobs!

  24. U.Lee..I know u will love this.. brings back sweet memories, eh..
    Yes, Tambun Inn was a HOT spot too those days, now it is a China Girls' spot..hahaha.. ABJ was along Cockman street, the street I was grown up since baby, one day i will go snap the pictures there, the wet market was the place just opposite my house.. yeah, maybe u and i would have passed by then but dint know who u were then.. as kathy said.. hahaha...

    wenn: aiyah..then i should have asked u more about Taiping the other day.. makan places!

    alv: hopefully they will do something nice about it..

    cathj: those days called cabaret.. hehee..

    chairspeaks: BB? bukit bintang? yes, tickets were sold at 40, 65, and reserved seats (upstairs) were 2rm..if i m not mistaken..

    Kathy: yeah lo.. the makan places he went to, were just opposite my house.. lol...

    tekkaus: yes.. leaving behind sweet memories..

    stp: dont cry...dont cry.. the old has to go to welcome the new.. sigh..

  25. So good...bring back all those olden days memories...eventhough I'm not Ipohian, thanks for sharing this.

  26. you just hope they'll transform the place to something nice, like our BB Park at KL.
    I last heard Rose Chan was with a man before he died and that man..owned tis famous nyonya food place at SS2. Gosh.. I forgot the name but remembered the kerabu perut was to die for.

  27. amy: anytime.. but my history of ipoh is not that good.. hahaha..

    elaine: oh ..u know more than i do then.. rose chan..she was a legend those days..

  28. Hmm I think I heard of this place before.. Definitely looks more run down now eh.. It's a shame no restoration works are done on it..

  29. Can... can... den we can go sing ABBA song oso. mwhahaha... but I warn u first... I always sing offtune wan! *blush*

  30. I never get the chance to experience those times, but I sure enjoy watching tv showing that "era". Like "shiong hoi tan" like that huh? Must be so romantic :-D.

  31. Everytime I go back to Ipoh, I will pass by this place. Yes, it kind of bring back those memories of the merry go round music.
    Sad, very sad indeed to notice the pathetic condition of the place now. I wonder why nobody thought of reviving this place. Make it historical n a fun place for families to visit! They could always introduce the new into the old, for sure. Right?

  32. Its good to bring back all those olden days memories..Sad to hear all such places are no more infact some places will be remembered for a long time.Nyways thanks for sharing...

  33. cleff: never mind..u teach me.. hahaa

    boeyjoey: u are way too young ma.. hahaha.. anyway, those days were much safer, u know..

    liongirl: maybe no investors.. sigh..

    carol: maybe in a few years time, something new will come up ..

  34. I think I'm "blind" each time I passed the building. Did not know it was a carbaret hall, thought it was a bowling alley.

  35. jessie: *slap forehead* bowling alley.. hahaha.. yeah, come to think of it.. it is so red, right?


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