Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scenic Sunday

After some tedious week, someonetold me to "chill out." For me, chilling out means going for a trip and drive leisurely at my own pace and time, of course, not forgetting to stop by for some "unhealthy" food on the way.

On Friday I went to Penang and today I was in Taiping. As usual we would go to the lake to have some "breather" and I cannot help taking some pictures again. Don't know why, the lake and the trees always seem to fascinate me a lot.... so serene and peaceful just looking at them...

me in front of lake...

Me with the branch... :)


  1. Eeee... nice to go rowing or canoe-ing in there. And even better if can go fishing too! =D

  2. wow really beautiful scenery. Great shots. Oo who's that supermodel at the last 2 pics xP

  3. What beautiful scenery, it certainly should have been a place to relax.

  4. nice peaceful place. no wonder you took so many shots. you're one pretty gal too!

  5. Now this is what sunday should be all about. A beautiful day of rest and peace. Lovely pictures with lovely you in them!

  6. Hi Reana, beautiful, well taken pics. And you look, hmmmm, very attractive, *wink*.
    I used to go to Taiping very often back in the 60's, 70s....for its poh pia and iced coffee....that old restaurant by the lake.

    As well quite often poach for fish here....caught some real monster haruans too.

    The lake looks so different to my days, but more beautiful.
    Thanks for the memories. Have a happy hari merdeka, Lee.

  7. oh, i definitely can sit there for hours. peaceful and lovely.

  8. Yes, I agree with you. The lake and the trees are so peaceful and serene. You can watch them and rest your tired body and soul. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  9. cleff: u can have all those requests! it is meant for rowing and fishing.. canoe-ing, i think so far none la..cos no strong current..

    chris: that one looks like amber hor? hahahaa..

    patty: yes, an eye freshener to me..

    tuti: thanks! beautiful scenery, hopefully not spoilt by the gal.. hahhaaa..

    Ginny: thanks, i love the greens..

    U.Lee: coming from you, i returned with a wink la.. hahaha.. i know myself, that is why i prefer the far distance..

  10. sjb: yes, very serene..

    goldflower: if the weather is like spring.. best!!

    Mel: yes, thank God for His creations..

  11. taiping lake scenery is always enchanting!

  12. Clair: Beautiful lake with all the water reflections. Love your photos of yourself.

  13. I know! I know! This is Taiping, My the other home.

  14. When I went to Taiping for the first time, I even told my friend I am coming here for my future wedding photo. It is so nice with the trees, rocks, and lakes

  15. alv: yes..peaceful too..

    wenn:yes, very enchanting.. u r right..

    fishingguy: yes, i joined in scenic sunday''

    tekkaus: u r from taiping? :)

    nana: hope you can come to take the pics.. very very nice!

  16. Beautiful. I've a friend from Taiping but now lecturing in Tg Malim. Next time, I go over...must stay longer and then you can take me to all these nice places.

  17. You really love visiting the Lake Garden, don't you? I drive past Lake Garden from my house to my work place every day but never know how to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Taking things for granted, hoh?

  18. stp: i wonder when that time will come?? hahaha... hopefully i can still drive without aching..quick quick..come end of year..

    mingna: that is understandable.. like i stay in ipoh, never go and buy kaya puffs or eat the famous food so often.. :)

  19. the last photo should have done like Bollywood la

  20. medie: yes. me too ..

    kathy: come, jom.. lets bolly together..

  21. Agree Taiping Lake Gardens is the best! Love the reflection on the lake too.

  22. Wai wai,Penang no serene places meh,,,, why no talk about the places one,,,,,

  23. Wowwwww... sooooo greeeeennnn! So peaceful. I like!! Nice pics la. Thumbs up! Hehehehe..

  24. wow, sure looks like those Scenic China shows :)

  25. Wah very nice pictures.. calm and peaceful... :)

  26. Wah, go Taiping lake again....must be old 'pak toh' place leh....LOL!

  27. ann: yes i love those reflections too..

    eugene: each time,go penang also makan only...

    just: hahaa..thanks!

    LV: imaginative..hahaha..

    sweetwitch: yeah..very nice...

    pete: hahaha... ok lar..u bocor rahsia liow..

  28. such a nice place to go lepak, if not too hot lah. hehe! u and the branch? very happy hor? hahahahha! jes kidding ^o^

  29. The scenic beauty of the place is mind-blowing. I would love to visit that place if I ever get the chance to do so.

  30. irene: hahaha.. a stiff model..

    newbabygifts: yes u should...

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