Friday, September 3, 2010

My Friend, The Florist (2)

My ex classmate is a florist now... working full time at home ever since few months ago. Before that, she worked with a well known florist and has learn up some skills in flower arrangement and bouquets for any occasion.

Now she is out on her own, working at home for now... see how it goes...
Oh, she told me that you can customize your own bouquet of flowers.. the type of flowers u wanted and any accessories you would love to put together with the flowers.. Prices are moderately cheap ranging from RM40 onwards...

Anyone interested, please contact her email and she will furnish you with more details...thanks!!

some graduation bouquets..
oh, before I forget...
only for Ipoh delivery!


  1. Looks good, especially the last bouquet. Is she in KL or Ipoh?

  2. Those graduation bouquets reminds me of mine which I have kept for more than 6 years since my graduation. The fresh flowers have become dried flowers.

  3. Great that she has a friend like you Claire :)

  4. beautiful!!! should have website/blog shop.. easy to order..

    how if I want to send you flower?? aya...spoil lah have to email to you hahahhaha...

  5. gratitude: In ipoh la.. .

    mingna: that must be very sentimental.. :)

    merryn: u r also nice to your frens.. :)

    mery: yes, beautiful.. :)

    cath: sure or not.. send me flowers.. hehee..ok i beter ask my fren to put up email..

  6. Those bouquets are really lovely, reminds me of the ones I received during my recent convocation.

    The price is cheap too, you wouldn't believe what some florists in KL are charging these days

  7. nice bouquets!

    and thank you for the post before this. you care. and i am sure lisa is very touched by it.

  8. Very nice wor.. But only deliver to iPOH , My frens and relatives mostly in Kl wor..

    Anywhere, wish your fren Sang Yee Heng Long!

  9. The last three are especially beautiful!

  10. Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Sugar is sweet,
    And so are you.

  11. happy weekend! i love the flowers! :-)

  12. I heart the first bouquet. Lovely! :)

  13. acura: too bad it is in ipoh only.. :(

    tuti: God bless...

    mummymoon: next time if she has connections in KL, i will let u know...

    ginny: yes, these are some of the few only..

    cleff: hey..sure or not... hahhaa.. thanks all the same..

    icegurl: thanks...

    angel: just order.. :)

  14. These flowers remind me of graduation. :D

  15. Your article is very especially valuable for us. I am happy that you have shared here great knowledge with us. Keep posting, Thank you. florist in Cambridge


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