Sunday, September 5, 2010

My "Sexy" Colleague

Last evening AA, Fern and I went to Jaya Jusco for our dinner. We went to Food and Tea cafe and had something simple, nothing to shout about, the food there was so-so only.

On the way out from the cafe, I saw my ex-colleague's husband sitting at the bench. He saw me and naturally, I asked him where his wife was. He pointed to Guardian and since I wanted to get some stuff too, I went in and looked out for my colleague at the same time.

Then I spotted her queuing up to pay, her back was facing me and the first thought that came to my mind was, "wow, she wears so sexy tonight, must go and comment that!" Hastening my footsteps to reach her, I landed a slight "piak" (pat) on her arm and said, " r here!!"

My "friend" turned around and looked at me.... to my SHOCK, she was NOT my ex-colleague! Gosh!! I dare not look at the faces of the people queueing, quickly in that one two seconds, I apologised, "Sorry, sorry..... " and walked off fast....

Saw my "real colleague" browsing through the shampoo section and she laughed like mad when I told her of my blunder. She quickly walked to the counter to have a look at her "look-alike" ... to my amusement, she agreed with me... the "sexy" lady really looked like her... lol...


  1. Haha... my experience was even more embarrassing. I was shopping with my nephew. I made him stand beside me when I was looking for some stationeries. When I was done, I grabbed 'him' by his hand and walked towards the cashier counter. Suddenly, a lady appeared before me and asked me why I was holding the hand of his son. I turned around only to realise that I had the wrong person. Joel was standing behind me and giggling. Strange enough, the 'boy' whom I had mistaken for Joel did not even cry or make noise when he was taken away by a stranger.

  2.'s not the first time and it wont be the last time. Happened to me too :p

  3. gosh.... thank goodness, the lady didnt shop "kidnapper!!" hahahaha..

  4. Luckily you're female... otherwise it may be more embarrassing :D

  5. Oh...embarrasing,but it is fine,at least you managed to meet your ex-colit.

  6. Aiya, aunt Claire so blur! Must be the fever

  7. How funny! Yes, we have all done things like that!!

  8. I am loving this mooncake!!! My granddaughter is Chinese and we celebrate this every year! I have posted a mooncake that we ate, but it was the regular brown kind. They take forever to make!!! This one is stunning, too pretty to eat!

  9. I am loving this mooncake!!! My granddaughter is Chinese and we celebrate this every year! I have posted a mooncake that we ate, but it was the regular brown kind. They take forever to make!!! This one is stunning, too pretty to eat!

  10. hahahaha I'm sure most of us have made the same blunder too.

    Have a wonderful week ahead ya. ^_^

  11. That's why. Sometimes you have to be more careful. :p

  12. aiyo claire.. what a blunder. i bet you were blushing red !

  13. Haha. We are do such things sometimes in our life, don't we?

  14. Hahaha, good thing she did not smack you lol.

  15. Haha, very embarassing right? Sometimes I did that too...
    So just say sorry and walk away...

  16. Ouch. Luckily you are a gal, else it will be even more embarrassing. =p

  17. Hahahahaha!!! You need new spectacles, eh? LOL!!!

  18. Ben: if male, she will smile.. :)

    elaine: blushing or not, i quickly walked away...

    cy: i think this was my 2nd time..blunder..

    chubs: ouch!!!

    hayley: walked away and dont look back..hahaha...

    shingo: that was what Ben said .. :)

    stp: sigh.. guess i should.. or perhaps dont tap anymore..

  19. mery: she had a good laugh too!

    chrisau: apa nak buat.. sudah tua..

    ginny: so i will wish Happy Mooncake festival later on..

    gratitude: thanks! same to u..

    tekkaus: sometimes careful also can make things happen unexpectedly one..

  20. Hahahaha..I do have one experience and its make me more aware till now. 10years ago, i went to bank with my ex-collegue. He dropped me in front of the bank and searched for parking space. Im in hurry so I make a fast moved to the counter.

    Finished everything, I make a fast moved again..and spotted my friend with his car waiting for me nicely in a parking space in front of the bank. I opened a door and sit comfortly. It might be 2 minutes silence between both of us and I wonder why he did not start an engine.

    Then I looked at him and goshh.. not him but Ah Pek!!!.OMG, after realizing I took a wrong car, I make a gentle way after apologizing to the Ah Pek. He must be shocked to death!! friend cant stop laughing looking at me. He saw all the incidents..hahaha.

    Lesson I can remember most of my friend car no..hehehe


  22. hahaha...malu lah ler...i kena once before...really shy that time...

  23. jason : yeah lo.. a pat on the hand. piak!! :)

    alv: gosh.. 2 minutes somemore.. ah pek must be wondering and waiting for u to say something!! he tot he was dreaming perhaps? suddenly a young girl sat in his car.. hahahaha...

    via: so i m not the only one who is blur! hahaha...

    amy: yeah, paiseh.. quickly walked off...

    manglish: dont laugh so much!!

  24. luckily you didn't "piak" and say "wah! you wear so sexy ah!!!" sure lagi malu :-P

  25. It is really a touch situation to handle. One have to be more diplomatic while handling such situation.


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