Friday, October 29, 2010

Missing Home

It has been two days since I "eloped".... now I am yearning to go back... funny, when I am away from home, I feel like I am in another world of my own... do you all feel that?

I have so many pictures to post up but time is very consuming. It is 11.01pm now and I just got back from town. Went out this morning at 11am and back at 11pm... imagine how different it is in the big city... nothing like this in Ipoh.

No wonder my KL friends always told me this... once they go out during the weekend in the morning, they don't get home till night falls. Maybe having own transport is easier... but for me, these two days, it has been public transport, from monorail to KTM (train) this morning and just now, from KTM to cab....

I can't wait to go back to IPOH...


  1. at KL and never call us ? piak ! piak !

  2. i guess you'd always miss home when you've been away for long.. so what do you think about the KTM?? hahaha, i guess that's part of the reason why you reach home late right?? :D

  3. Wow...public transport? :/ KTM? I hope you didn't meet any nightmares just now. :/

  4. Home is where the heart is! Gosh, you have a lot of energy!

  5. Wow u can really tahan whole day huh!

    Yes KL got so many more options to shop, makan etc ;)

  6. You're KL? Didn't catch up with any of our friends there?

  7. there is nothing like home.... very trueeeee.. ;D

  8. Wah eloped.....with which blogger ah? ha ha ha!

  9. I can feel you. I am missing home too.. my own hometown. Can't reach by car 'cos gotta cross the mountain and ocean. :)

  10. elaine: i tong, tong.. ouch ouch!!

    sk: u r right! the train was slow and delayed too..

    tekkaus: nightmare is the sandwiching... :)

    ginny: i was totally exhausted!!

    kristie: took us one hour plus to reach there.. so dint feel like going back so fast! hahaha..

    stp: no, this time, no.. cos i dont have transport and i cannot take a lot of things down.. wait till i drive.. then can borong more! hahah..

    cath: yes, i want to be home now..

    pete: mystery of the blogger!

    inspiredmum: hey, that sounds adventurous, where r u now!

  11. wei take cab got kena slaughter or not? Many dont use meter leh

  12. And someone told me wanna move to KL somemore!!! LOL! Best place to stay is still OLD IPOH ! KL is for the young :p I love to go KL for shopping and get things I can't get from Ipoh. :)

  13. Life in city is buzzling. However, expenses in city can also burn the pocket.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...