Friday, October 29, 2010

Peace Of Heart

When official work comes, I have to go outstation for a few days.... I am very reluctant to leave my girl at home. Many times I made excuses to my boss that I cannot go, citing many unreasonable reasons and most times, he accepted it nevertheless. But I know I cannot be giving stupid excuses all the time...

Then lately I got to leave Ipoh again for a few days... and for few days, I have been feeling uneasy, how ah.. and then, suddenly, one person came to my mind and she is none other than my old old fren of more than 35 years old... hahahaha.... imagine how old we are now!

One SOS call to her, asking her for a favour.... "Can you please sleep over and "babysit" my girl?" Without hesitation, she said "No problem la...." Wow.. imagine how grateful I was when I heard that... so relieved...

So nice of her.. not only she comes over to sleep, she has to take my girl to school too.. at 7am!! Isn't she nice... (btw, she doesn't read my blog, so no matter how much I praise or criticise her, she wont know one.. hahahahaha....) I can go out of town at ease... phew...


  1. Blogger Ginny said...

    This is really a wonderful friend!! How old is your girl, I have been thinking that she may be younger than she looks!

    October 28, 2010 10:45 PM
    Blogger eugene said...

    You scared the *** out of me lah with your title post,, now i can go in peace,, i thought you were,,,,,,.

    aren't we glad to have good friends, but to have good friends we must start being one ourselves, right?

    hey, drive carefully ya

    October 28, 2010 10:48 PM
    Anonymous Denesa said...

    Your title indeed gives false alarm. Anyway, separation will make you love your girl more:)

    October 28, 2010 11:31 PM

  2. firstly...i am so sorry that i am out from blogging for weeks and did not visit here. so sorry. work really killing me off lately.

    can i hire ur friend also?

  3. Sorry about the confusion.. i changed my title... yeah, it is kind of misleading.. choi choi.. hahaha..

  4. safety is very very important.. never take risks with yr loved ones and she's much better off in yr friends care than being at home.. and you r very lucky to have such friends :)
    Happy Weekend !

  5. A friend in need is a friend indeed!

  6. Yeah! It is good to hand your daughter to someone you can really trust. :D

  7. Ya lo...wanna cekik u already la Claire. The title really made me jump

    Ya friend like yours is hard to come by

  8. Hey, something is wrong with your site in Opera, you should check into it.

  9. Sometimes, friends a lot better than blood relatives, I can tell you that. Thank God we are blessed with such good friends...

  10. A friend in need is a friend indeed!! :)

  11. Hmmm...i am late, what is the misleading post title? hahaha

    Now you can go to outstation with a "lighter" heart knowing your girl will be in good hand while you're away.

    Have a good weekend and Happy Halloween.

  12. I am also reluctant to travel and leave the kids at home...LOL!

  13. good to have reliable frens huh (^^)


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...