Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tronoh Nursery

A few of us church cell members made a short trip to visit a newly opened old folks home in Tronoh. Actually it is not exactly an old folks home, it should be called a day nursery but for elderly people.

It is opened by a relative of a church member, she built the house on this empty land for elderly people to pass time during the day. This house is built especially for those who are working in the day and do not have time for their parents and also worrying for their safety.

we found the place eventually..

quite a big house...

many people was there for the opening..

pot bless..everyone brought something..


  1. It is an unusual looking house, almost like a kind of big drive through restaraunt! So what did you do there, visit with the folks and talk to them? Did you sing?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just saw your cendol post below, I must have missed it earlier. But what is cendol? I've never heard of it. Which item on the plate is it? We don't have anything by that name here, I don't think. But maybe we have it and it's called by another name.

  4. That was me who deleted the middle comment, because my first one went in twice! If someone deletes one on my blog, I always wonder who did it and why!

  5. Ginny, thanks for posting up the comments..
    Cendol is a dessert, something like ice blended with same sweet coconut milk with syrup and red beans.. :)
    We went there bec this house belongs to my fren's cousin.. just to officiate.. house warming, more or less..

  6. I first saw a day care centre for aged parents in 1992 when I lived in a US boarding school. My bedroom overlooked the centre and I observed their touching activity each morning and evening. It was kinda high class and well run with the professional kids driving flashy cars to fetch the parents. I always hoped they would open like this in KL.

  7. The name is quite attractive. Nursery but this place is meant for the elderly people. I must say that this is quite true that the elderly people do often behave like child. So the name is obvious.

  8. It's great to know that there is a day care centre for old folks in Tronoh, my former hometown. I really miss this little 'cowboy' town. There used to be a Lutheran church kindergarten but it looked deserted the last time I went back.


Thank you, readers!

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