Tuesday, December 14, 2010

INCHEON KOREA, Here We Come...


For the past 10 hours or so, my blog has been missing from blogger.com. It happened when I was blog hopping and all of a sudden, a white screen appeared......... everything else POOFED!!!

Quickly I SOS my dear IT son, Andy... and steadily he told me not to worry... he will get it back... and just now at 11.30pm.........he said my blogs are back here in IPOH!!!

Andy, thank you very much... tomorrow whatever you want to eat... ALL ON ME!!!

Thank God.... I cannot imagine my blogs disappeared like that without saying bye to me... I didn't even back up my blogs... so my dear friends, make an effort, back up your files... just in case anything can happen.....

OK, enough of the disappearing blog.... here are some pictures of our first day in Korea...

at the LCCT airport at the boarding area...

in a matter of 6 hours, we reached Incheon airport...

see, it runs in the family.. the Peace Sign! hahaha...

we ladies waiting for our heroes to retrieve our bags...

pheww... we reached hotel around 10pm..
our first night in Incheon....

next morning we were taken for breakfast at 8am...

this is the place...

we were the 1st customers...

our white porridge breakfast (teochiew style)
minus a few dishes...

we strolled along after the breakfast while waiting for our driver

Fernie and the police car...

after traveling for some time, we were taken to a resthouse
for some "nature call"

and for the first time in HISTORY...

we touched real SNOW!!

we were like real "kampung" people...

having fun frolicking with the snow..

playing with the snow....

after awhile we were ushered back to the bus
where we were taken to the KIMCHI factory.....

more pics tomorrow..


  1. What a fun holiday you have! Are you going skiing? Don't forget to visit the DMZ and see North Korea at border! Enjoy!

  2. Wait a minute, you have never touched snow?? It doesn't snow in Ipoh?? Gosh, what a special treat it must have been, this holiday looks like such fun!! How come you have never gone anywhere with snow before now? The restaraunt looks fancy and the food really good!! Nice hotel room, too! It looks like you had a blast!! How are you feeling now? What did the doctor say?

  3. wow, I hvn't touched snow before..must be fun!

  4. I'm glad you got everything together with the missing blogs/posts.

    It looks like you guys are having a great time. Funny that you've never touched snow before... it's something I guess I never thought about since I grew up in an area where it snowed every year. New experiences are fun.

  5. i came to your blog last night and it says blog cannot be found :( how do you backup your blog? can you pls share? your korean trip is just wonderful. can't wait to read more.

  6. not only ur peace sign..u n ur sister? friend wore pink sweaters too....how cool....

    Korea is nice. definitely i want to go there one day..again eheh

  7. Hallelujah! Praise the good Lord for his mercy.... your blog is back to where it should be... HERE. =D

  8. twilight: aiyah..u should have told me earlier..

    ginny: thanks for concern.. no, ipoh has no snow, thank goodness.. hahaha.. too chilling is not good for me.. im too soft! :)

    angeline: yes, play for awhile ok.. too long.. i beh tahan..

    wenn: me first time!

    petula: yes, u r right.. first timer for me.. we grow up in a tropical country!

    barb: i didnt back up.. i wrote to google and asked them to retrieve it back. gosh..thank goodness they did!!

    rachel: yes, that is my sis! we wore pink.. wanna look young.. hahaha...

    cleff: thanks for your prayers!! hahaha...

  9. EVERYONE'S going to Korea! :)

    Your hotel looks nice. Big enough for a family. Looking forward to more pics. SNOW! nice!

  10. That's was a nice Holiday , Winter was always the perfect time for Holiday :P

  11. ann: yes, that was 1st night.. after that, not so nice.. hahaha...

    anggie: last year japan was not as cold...korea freezes..

  12. It is so snowy over there in Korea. White snow! Yipee! ;D

  13. Did you find out why blogger removed your posts?

    Lovely snow in Korea! Bet it must be freezing cold! *Brr*

  14. glad that u get ur blog back. phewph! huhu
    wow korea! do you meet any korean idol there? hehehe
    and why not eating kimchi there but eat those chinese food?lol
    waaa snow! so nice! hehehe

  15. tekkaus: yes, very cold and freezing now...

    sweetwitch: i dont actually know what happened.. my blogs just vanished and now i got them back from google..

    goldflower: after this breakfast, each meal has kimchi!! hahaha..

  16. E blogger has an auto save. It will automatically saved. Does your blog have that?

    Great time you have in Korea there!

  17. We went there end November 2010, though only 1-2 weeks time, there is so huge different. We can only see berbiji biji snow saja, lol!

    Nice pics with the snow!

  18. I did try to click your blog last two days, it also said cannot find your blog, i thought something went wrong. Glad you manage to find your blog back!!

    AH! Korea, i miss Korea and i love Korea, i went there twice before i get pregnant. I want to go again, this time will be with my two boys! :)

  19. It's quite cold in Korea and I hope you enjoyed the chill weather there. The hotel you checked in is quite luxurious and well furnished. Incheon is a popular tourist spot in Korea.

  20. now that you've touched snow, don't you think it's over-rated? it's snowing heavily across europe now & i don't think the people are pleased with the disruptions caused by it.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...