Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kyongbok Palace And National Folk Museum

Early in the morning after breakfast we were ushered up the bus to visit the Kyongbok Palace which was built in 1394 and known as the largest palace during the Joseon Dynasty. (How I know?? The itinerary is in front of me.. hehe... )

I think this was the place that got me "chilled" up to the bone... my fault.. I didn't wear enough warm clothings... pity Andy too!!! His ears was "frozen" according to him... lol....

the entrance... I think...

Andy and I... we were like "frozen"

hiding behind the walls...
just look at Andy.. poor kid!!

we were looking for shelters..

but seems everywhere is vast area....

so cold that Andy hid behind the door...

and when he was warm enough, he stood guard.. LOL...

While we were at the National Folk Museum...

Andy promised me the moon...
and he tried his best to carry it back..
here is a picture to prove it....

On the way out...
Andy suddenly exclaimed.."hey, an I-Pad!!"

then he started to "log in"......
unfortunately, no WIFI around.. LOL...

anyway..... this is National Folklore Museum.. :)

one for the album
before we proceed to Dangdaemum Market
a major shopping district
where we shopped till we nearly dropped..


  1. The palace in Korea is so similar to those in Japan. What do you think?

  2. mingna: same with China too.. what do u think? :)

  3. i can sense you guys were very cold!!!!!

  4. The conclusion is: They all came from China! Haha!

  5. 'm like so jealous of you! Even if it's that cold, I wanna go Korea too! XD

  6. rachel: yes.. we were very cold on that day...

    mingna: yes, mam!!

    lina: make sure u wear enough warm clothings..

  7. claire, you really made me laugh here reading all your captions

  8. wah.. Andy and that moon pic! can swoon over any girl with that moon :P

    Nice family trip u have there :)

  9. Got nice n cheap glasses frames in Dongdaemum market...nice place

  10. Ooooo... Folk musuem... is this where they tell the stories about those folk tales? The stories about Pat-chi, Honduri, and The Boy and the Bitter Gourd and stuff?

  11. One thing about Korea - temples and places...and Japan too. I guess China's also like there - not keen on going there.

  12. hahaha..that ipad thingy is a super joke....

    urgggghh....u make me feel tingling now...I wanna go to KOREA!!!!

    New Entry: Dangerous And Toxicated Post!

  13. when I was there, we witnessed guards standing still all over the area there like statues.

  14. Lena: when we were there, we were laughing at him too.. he is really a joker..

    merryn: yeah, i think the moon was not for me..hahaa..

    pete: didnt know about the glasses but bought souvenirs only..

    cleff: no time to listen to stories there la.. just look around and came out.. tired already!

    stp: if we were chinese ed, we would love the legends and the stories.. guess that is what we found boring when we visit these places cos we never study their history.. :)

    peah: my son started on that idea on the ipad.. hahaha..

    wenn: yeah, we saw some guards too.. heavily clothed.. :)

  15. 감사합니다

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Comfort Spiral



  16. Looks like u guys were so freezing there! Wish u and ur family a very happy winter solstice!

  17. I'm late with my comments today, many things going on and no time for computer! No wonder you got sick! I bet you didn't know how cold it would be, and hadn't packed enough warm clothes!

  18. mery: thanks!

    angeline: yes..we were sort of.. on the 4th day..

    ginny: it is ok.. sometimes we are very tied up with our family.. yes, i didnt bring enough warm clothings!

  19. iPad on the ground? how convenient...

  20. can see it's very cold.

    LOL...he didnt bring home the "iPad" ka?

  21. nice trip u have, Merry X mas n happy new year!

  22. Great chilly fun in Korea. Can feel the cold biting through your bones..kamsahamnida for the virtual tour.

  23. This season of festivities is a wonderful way to increase our spiritual consciousness. Please use this period of joy to add light to the world with our thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs and attitudes....and we will hear the presence our divine guidance, without the interference of our selfish human egos. I wish you peace and joy this festive season. Have a Blessed Winter Solstice, Christmas and New Year, Dearest Claire! ^_^

  24. Wow..it must be freezing now. When we were there last month during autumn, it was already cold on certain mornings. Have an excellent holiday. Try Myeondong for shopping. Even more things to buy!!!

  25. medie: hehehe.. my son's own version..

    kathy: the guards were looking! lol..

    hazel: thank you..same to you!!

    bananaz: ang yeong har seh yeo!!!

    gratitude: thanks for the touching greeting!! I wish you a blessed new year too!

    daddy: i m back now.. still being chilled here!

  26. yeah man, can see that its freezing man! haha very funny, ipad lah pulak! ahahhahaha...

  27. Great photos. Looks like it was freezing cold there.

    Happy Holidays

  28. irene: sort of ipad.. hahaha..

    eden: yes, it was!!

    sjb: he somehow survived.. hahaa..

  29. Sorry, I haven't been visiting for quite some time, and missed your holiday posts. Love all your photos.. everyone looked so HAPPY :)


Thank you, readers!

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