Saturday, December 18, 2010

Winter Sonata And My Voice

For this whole week, I was not feeling very well, in fact, since coming back from Korea on Monday, I have been unwell.

Then two days ago, I lost my voice.... voice has gone.... I tried to talk louder, I couldn't... all I heard was out-of-tune voice. On Thursday I went to office, I forced myself to talk, the tones came out husky and towards the evening, my whole voicebox disappeared!

I took another day leave (Friday), went to hospital this time and was prescribed another bout of antibiotics plus paracetamol. Dr. Mohana told me that my throat was inflamed badly and I MUST rest my voice.......

Since I did not sleep well on Thursday night, I spent nearly the whole day sleeping today (Friday)... my voice is still embedded somewhere... couldn't be heard.......

Meanwhile........ I will be speechless, talkless..... and since my kids are watching Winter Sonata series now, I might as well join them.... It is 12.45am now.......

Me & Winter Sonata....


  1. Aiyor, wishing you a speedy recovery! Have a pleasant weekend ya!

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry!! What is that other medicine the doctor gave you, I have not heard of it. It is a good thing you have your blog to do the talking for you and voice your frustration!!

  3. Kesian...spend a fortune to go holiday, fall so sick pulak. Christmas is coming, get well soon...

  4. Hey...take a complete rest talking no blogging....:P hey that's my Hero Beh Yong Jun :)))

    Miss you so you better get well fast so that we can go walloping food again. I have been good and taking light lunches and breakfast :)

  5. I like the photo you took there! So kesian, still need to blog about ur korea trip since u r not feeling well! thanks ya

  6. Get well soon.. Rest more and stay away from blogging.. at least for a while. :)

  7. oh i've seen this winter sonata pic from those who have visited korea. i think this is a very famous spot? hope you are feeling better Claire.

  8. Imagine if you go to Korea end of December or beginning of next year, how much damage can the weather do to you? Have a good rest n get well soon...

  9. The extreme change of temperature often made people sick. Maybe you drank Korean whiskey too much??? Their alcohol level is extremely high like kerosene! Anytime can spit fire out! LOL

  10. oh dear - hope u are feeling better now.

  11. Perhaps you were so speechless to be there that you...lost your voice there for them :p

  12. Winter Sonata... I hate that morbid love story... very draggy lah... den very sad summore la... make me feel so geram after watch. Really beh tahan... but horr... I watched oso... why? Bae Yoong Joon very handsome ma... den watch lorr... *pengsan*

    Anyway, talking about Korean Drama I always prefer 'Full House', 'Iljimae' and 'Goong'.... and also 'Wonderful Life' and 'Save The Last Dance For Me'. Not only the cast are handsome, the storyline is bearable too. Not so draggy ma...

  13. Yes I did answer correctly..u are in korea hehehe no wonder u drop by my blog...hope its true..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...