Monday, January 31, 2011

Holiday Inn In Paris

Paris, the city of romance... I have never been there, heard plenty, seen many of my son's photos when he was there a year ago. Recently when I visited my friends' blogs, there were plenty of pictures of Paris too, they really "moved" me and how I wish I could go one day. If given an opportunity, I would go during spring time. For me, the weather will be just nice then, flowers blooming and the wind is cooling instead of freezing cold. This time I will equipped myself with the proper attire, hope not to get chilled like last winter in Korea. Besides the proper attire, there is this website which has plenty of information in the accommodation, like for instance, Holiday Inn Paris La Villette. I am sure many of us heard and stayed in Holiday Inn before and you will know what type of facilities and how their services are. If you are not sure, all you have to do is to click on to this Holiday Inn Paris La Villette website and you will find all the information you need. How to get there, where to book, the rates and the facilities you need whether it is for holiday leisure or business meetings.
With their accommodating services, you will find that you can have a pleasant and comfortable stay when you are in Paris. Well, who knows, maybe I will land myself in this hotel one day. :) I really hope I will.

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