Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shanghai Ding In Penang

After our buffet breakfast in Dorset Hotel, my kids and I proceeded to Queensbay... window shopping... just to walk... that was what I had in mind, though my girl was thinking otherwise. *roll eyes*

Anyway, we did not buy much, I only insisted on buying a pair of Bermuda shorts for Andy... he is very frugal in this attire, each time I have to force him to buy some clothing for himself... unlike my girl, she doesn't need to be forced.. she is most willing to try on anything that catches her eyes....Girls!! *smile*

As for me, I am more interested in food.... *grin* We went to this place...

Shanghai Ding
House Of Dumplings...

Andy wanted a Heart Shaped Rice...

I ordered shrimp ramen noodles...

my girl had ramen with fishballs...

ordered some mini char siew pau...

and some mini egg tarts...

These pictures might be misleading,
actually they were nothing to shout about..
The food were so-so only..
Well, everything has their first time...
Pay to taste and that's it.. hahahaa....


  1. Oooo i would relentlessly attacked the famous Penang hawker food ;)

    You're a 24/7 "hau" mom, Claire ;)

  2. heart shaped rice? calling for early valentine day's celebration??

  3. I agree that the food is so-so only. I don't usually eat there as there's so much hassle to cross the road from Queensbay to reach Shanghai Ding. To save the trouble, there is a better choice at the second floor of Queensbay - Dragon One - which I think serves better Shanghainese fare than the former.

  4. Shanghai Ding? Thought I have eaten at this restaurant before? I remember it was not nice : )

  5. gratitude: i m 8/7 mum.. eight hours till sleeping time.. hahhaha...

    lena: dont know why they made it to shape like that..

    pam: actually we planned to go for hawker food but when we passed that while driving out, i told my son to stop there...

    foong: yes, not nice...

  6. The noodles and egg tarts look so good! But you went to a dumpling house and didn't get any dumplings??

  7. Arhhhhhh....never bring me again! Look at the food!!!

  8. I'd love the ramen with fishballs...and the pao...and the tarts... Yum! Yum!

  9. char siu bao is at home in Hawaii!!!

    Our favorite-

    Aloha from Waikiki :)

    Comfort Spiral




  10. I have no idea how it tasted, but it looks yummy, especially the desserts.

  11. ha ha ha, should go for hawker food there....

  12. Queensbay mall.. one of the upcoming big malls in Penang. Most folks from penang are either in Queensbay, prangin mall, or Gurney plaza on weekends :P

  13. Wow, the heart shaped fried rice is so unique! I only know got heart shaped chocolates/jelly, haha :P

  14. The food look yummy but it's kind of small portion :p

  15. wenn: taste so so..

    ginny: the whitish ones are dumplings..

    chris: fly up!

    stp: next time we take eugene sekali.. hahaha..

    cloudia: serious?

    patty: the pics can be misleading. :)

    pete: for a change at times..

    isaac: yes, like in Ipoh, we go Jaya Jusco or Parkson...

    hayley: just to attract..

    tZ: just nice for us ladies.. yeah!

    kathy: perhaps u start one? :p

  16. Penang is like your second home now..for me will never step food in any restaurant when in Penang and even tell old folks no home cook food will sure go tai pai tong one.

  17. bananaz: u know.. for many years, i go hawker hawker.. so once awhile i try out new stuff.. those hawker ones, i think i posted up a lot already.. hahaa..2nd home ma..

  18. i'll try this place when i go to Penang again, though the food is so so la! :D

  19. The pictures of the ramen didn't look very appealing.. haha.. You should have gone Dragon I instead! :)But everything has the first time, you're right!

  20. henry: maybe u like it.. :)

    sweetwitch: yeah.. i have tried dragon i before.. yeah, everything has its first time..

  21. Heart shaped rice...lol..not in the heart to eat it.

  22. By the name itself, I thought Shanghai Ding is famous for their dumplings since they're called House of Dumplings but Claire, did you tried any?

  23. Did the food price reasonable?

  24. Funny I didn't see this food outlet at Queensbay during my recent trip. Wanna go for their egg tarts. Looks good in the pic wor...now you really got me craving for egg tarts!!!

  25. hmmm, is this a Shanghainese cuisine restaurant?? the fishball noodles just spoilt the image i think, haha~~ :D

  26. didn't go to the hawker's mer? i usually makans at the hawker if i'm there. food in the malls are nothing to shout about.


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....