Tuesday, July 19, 2011

82 Year Old Woman Rejected By 67 Year Old Man?

For many days I have been blogging about food and this cool guy has commented that it is going to be like this Cikgu's blog sooner or later.... Actually I agree with him.... I know I have been blogging about food, food and more food these days... WHY? Because Ipoh is not a Happening city... I am not a Happening lady.... I wake up, work, come home, blog, sleep.... and this routine repeats itself everyday.....

Okay, this post is not about food... this post will be about LOVE.... or is it??

Have anyone read the STAR paper on the 8th July about a 82 year old lady pining for her "boyfriend" of 67 years old? She went to approach Michael Chong to locate this man... and on the 13th July, this man appeared and declared publicly that he is not in love with her nor wants to have anything to do with her....

Their pictures were splashed in The STAR paper... I don't read the papers.... I only heard about this from my friend and being curious, I dug out the articles online a moment ago...

Well, I cannot say who is not right nor wrong... cos I grow old too one day....

As someone commented.... age has no bounds when it comes to love...


  1. I do not have an answer to the question. Not knowing exactly what love is so I am not in the position to pass my comments around. Neutral... neutral...

  2. age is no boundary when comes to love

  3. pam: yeah yeah...feelings.. cannot be explained.. we might say.. forget him.. but the heart says.. dont let go...

    kathy: feelings, nothing more than feelings..

  4. even michael chong also doesnt know what to say.. i just wish i dont experience this kind of tragedy when i get old!

  5. haha, really anything could happen in this world huh?? but i guess 18 year-old boy marrying a 81 year-old lady is more shocking~~ :D

  6. love knows no boundaries.. i second that XD

  7. I live in a happening place and yet my blog is nothing happening also XD

    Love knows no boundaries... how I wish I can fully agree with that, haha.

  8. Well, they are both officially old, so that is enough! We have a paper called The Star here, but it is a gossip sheet with mostly made up stories, like The National Enquirer...I don't know if you have those kinds of things there and what you would call them. They have headlines like "Our President Was Abducted By Aliens" or "Woman Gives Birth To Monkey!" For some reason, people keep buying them!

  9. And what's wrong with being like MY blog? Tsk! Tsk!

  10. Love is blind. True love knows no barriers,not even age...

  11. Youth...like beauty is only external and will last only for a while. It is up to the individuals concerned to look at the beauty within. That's what's important and would matter most...

  12. I read that piece of news, I also have an open discussion with my colleagues here in the office. I guess this woman was over sensitive. The man took care of her like respecting elderly.

  13. Read about it, makes me conclude 'ANYTHING can happen in this world!'

  14. lena: first case for him..

    sk: guess feelings hard to explain..

    isaac: ditto..

    daniel: actually no happenings also good...

    ginny: our STAR here is a nation paper.. so everything is inside..

    stp: very well said.. by cikgu.. :)

    yan: misunderstanding... in cantonese, piu cho ching? yes, only both of them know..

  15. Love is love..I cant comemnted more in love topic..hehehe...i'm shy2 cat here..LOL

  16. wah... why they make everything so public one... where la this lady want to hide her face now...

  17. I felt sad for the old lady. She is so lonely. The worst thing for aged people are loneliness and not sickness or no money!

  18. No wonder he wants to concentrate on his monk hood....he he he!

    When old very lonely wan leh....but I plan to move near a lake or seaside...everyday go fishing.....lol!

  19. MG: hehehe.. my kids ah.. all big liow.. ok, let me think what they should be banned from... hmmmm...

    alv: love is unexplainable!

    boeyjoey: she wanted to locate him ma...

    twilight: yeah, perhaps u r right.. loneliness, i guess...

    pete: good idea!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...