Monday, July 18, 2011

Asian And Western, East Meets West

I love Saturdays! It is really a time of "freeing mind." Can wake up as late as I can and go for our meals at odd times without anyone nagging.....

My girl and I enjoy this time of meal bonding... My girl only loves certain food so she will be the one who chooses the place most of the time. For this meal below, we went to Kah Lok coffeeshop in Persiaran Greenhill...

she ordered her favourite spaghetti...
she always have high praises for this..
and it cost only RM4.50!

This is mine.. minced pork mee with "rat noodles"
dont "urgh...".. the noodles are actually very nice..

for dessert, we went to The Brownies in De Garden..
The offer is still on...this time we had two scoops of Haagan Dazs

and it comes with one piece of brownie!
Guess the price......
It cost only RM7.90!!
Where else can you get such a PRICE!
Guess both of us have to go Polo Ground after this bash!


  1. kathy, i think my blog is going to food category jor..

  2. Going to check out the newly opened Brownie one of these days... You know I never miss new eating places, haha.

  3. Lol Claire, you're a food blogger now!

    RM7.90 is indeed cheap ;)

  4. *fainted* I haven't had dinner, and suddenly, kena WHAM by ur pictures. *cries* And I thought ur blog always safe to visit when hungry wan. T___T

  5. stp: Wise people think alike one.. hahaha..

    Pam: later on she will be replacing HD with Baskin I heard..

    gratitude: whilst stock last.. hahaa...

    cleff: it is not safe anymore.. i mean these days.. cos me and my girl.. we are food adventurous now! hahahaa..

  6. that spaghetti looks good and only for RM4.50, worth it!! have you really seen east meet west?? if you come to KL, try Pasta Zanmai, where they cook spaghetti the Japanese way, very nice.. :)

  7. yummy!!!:)

  8. this must be the place that you were talking abt earlier, your daughter's favourite spaghetti and cheap!

  9. I had a light dinner this evening before the gym... After having a tiring workout in the gym. Now my stomach feel so hungry after looking at your post... How?

  10. definitely not "urgh"ing at the rat noodles! i love them! they hold that nostalgic appeal to me. mee tai bak. yum.

  11. Ahh ice cream! i was thinking of having ice cream tomorrow and then i see this! hahaha.. must go look for ice cream tomorrow lah!

  12. not very keen on the rat noodles...but the ice-cream..I WANT!!!..

  13. the spaghetti is kinda different.. topped with egg pulak.. lol

  14. the spaghetti looks so simple but i bet it tastes like food fit for a queen! nice site btw. ;-)

  15. Ya lor, your blog now feels like STP's blog lor,,,,so how lah, i am not into food one lah,so i cannot simply comment ma,that's why sometimes i feel bad if i can't comment one foodie blog,hahahahahah.

    may be i should fill in one or two post a week about food too,agree?

  16. RM7.90 for 2 scoops of ice creams and brownie is a steal.

  17. Rat noodles?? 1st time heard.. :)

  18. minced pork mee with "rat noodles", i want this !!!

  19. OMG!! The spaghetti and the Haagen Dasz ice cream so cheap??!!!

  20. sk: i m not into spaghetti..but my kids love it so much!

    hi Faye!!

    lena: earlier? hmmm.. yes, this is cheap!

    tz: come ipoh, I treat u!

    shuhan: i love them too! hahaha..

    bella: buy Baskin Robbins!! nice also!

    angelin: me too!! again!

    ken: asian spaghetti.. hahaa..

    coffeegirl: thanks for coming by..

    eugene: cos my kids all grown ma.. like nothing to cerita already.. hahaa..

    sheohyan: yeah, there must be reason why they sell so cheap..

    cath: cantonese translation.. :p

    luciana: seems almost everyone here wants the rat! haaha..

    foongpc: IPOH standard ma.. hahaha..

  21. That's really such a nice meal with a lovely dessert in the end. Best of all must be the time you spend with your girl....that's PRECIOUS...$$$$$ cannot buy! :D

  22. Nice spaghetti....good price. Just now I paid RM5.50 for spaghetti lunch...

  23. mary: you are absolutely right!!

    Pete: not bad too.. just now my girl took spaghetti again.. this one it cost RM7.00... :)

  24. rat noodles? my mum use to friend it every sunday and it is one of the best! :( I miss it! lol

    cheng me pls? :P


Thank you, readers!

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