Friday, July 8, 2011

My Blog Friend, A Novelist

Before I started blogging three years ago, I used to be an avid reader but not all types of books, I only love to read fiction books. Actually I am quite "choosy" when it comes to reading, during younger days, I love to read all "romance" books but now it has changed. My top priority books are more on court cases, murders, thrillers that include psychopaths, silent killers and so on.... frightened myself to sleep at times... (chi kei hak chi kei)

Two days ago I saw a brown box lying on my front porch. I thought it was from Booksneeze.. but when I opened, this book was written by this lady blogger...... ooooh... a Romance Book! In fact, this lady has given me a book earlier, written by her too, it is called Shattered Hearts... and now I feel so honoured to receive another of her masterpiece called....

Change of Plans...
oopsss.. my photography sucks!

ahhh.. this is much better..
looks romantic , eh...
Thanks Cleffairy!!
Hope it will not make me weepy..


  1. Do you mind sharing the storyline with all the readers? I am hooked... by the cover illustrations... Haha

  2. Pam, sorry, your earlier comment was in the draft..
    i will answer your previous question, this is the 2nd book she sent to me, the first one was Shattered Heart.. about this new one, I havent read yet but i dont mind lending it to you first if you want to read.. let me know? :)

  3. hmmm romance type of novel? :P not ngam me perhaps

  4. kianfai, once read, u might like it.. hahaha..

  5. I dun wan chi kei hak chi kei hahaha :X

  6. Will make u blush, Claire..ahhahaha

  7. i finished reading jor if you bring to office better use papaer to wrap the cover kakakaka


  8. kianfai: hahahhaa... chi kek makes us more brave ma...

    ling: hahaha.. i know what to expect one!! she is a temptress....

    kathy:": oh, like that ah.. ok ok.. i like it!!

  9. it must be a good book! (just look at the cover hahahaha!)

  10. >.< shocked... get featured here in ur blog pulak. :D Hope you like it, Claire. Hutang autograph dulu.

  11. Another humsup novel ? Eh... I mahu also.... Fairy .. Satu please!!!!

  12. >.< bro... u tak payah read my hamsup books...your otak oredi hamsup la... my books are nothing to u.

  13. Gosh, Claire... u really make me blush this time. LOL! So paiseh... =.=

  14. Aha! You met the fairy too... She went on a nationwide tour or what...or almost - didn't come to Sibu. Tsk! Tsk! Read ah...I turn the cover...terus fall asleep...old man. But I like the smell of new the smell of new currency... Hehehehehe!!!

  15. when I started writing, people tell me, write romances or sci-fi, they sell.

  16. I have seen Cleffairy on many comment forms. You will have to let us know how the book is. I used to read true crime stories all the time!!

  17. oohh..i love romance novel so envy of you to have a good friend who send you books, foods...(sin mou sei yan ar!!)

  18. That is my dream! A writer!!! Haha if I came out with a book (IF), I'll send you a copy too XD

  19. I still prefer romantic stories... hehehe :P

  20. hopefully you will get sweet dreams every night after reading this...ha!

  21. wow! she's a novelist? awesome

  22. peacemusic: i have yet to read.. let u know later!

    cleff: autograph bila i go KL.. end of year!! hahaha..

    chris: not hamsup book, but beyond!! hahaha..

    stp: now u said it, it looks like it! nationwide roadshow to sign.. dont play play with her leh!

    ann: some write for the passion of writing, not so much on the sales.. i salute those who can really write, and that includes u too!

    ginny: guess u r like me.. romance books are secondary.. but once awhile read to feel young! hahaha

    angelin: i guess im honoured in a way!

    danial: i have faith in u.. i will wait patiently!!

    hayley: u still young ma..

    lena: gosh, no read, no sweet ah? then i must read more!

    medie: now u know!

    chefintraining: i will!!

  23. I love suspense & thriller books also. My favorite authors are Dean Koontz, Sidney Shelton & Mary Higgins-Clark. Mary Higgins-Clark's books combine romance & suspense.

    Stopping by from VoiceBoks!


  24. Wow...amazing. I wish I can be a writer too one day. :p

  25. i feel honour too to receive a novel from Cleff! First time! ahhahahha, i have yet to start mine. So thick. tsk tsk tsk ...wonder when i can finish reading it.


Thank you, readers!

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