Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Day Of 2012

Had a blast counting down the seconds at HOME on FACEBOOK!  Isn't that interesting??  LOL...

At exactly 12midnight, the fireworks near my house started to explode... BOOM, BOOM!!  I could only see partial fireworks above the trees opposite my house... well, at least the atmosphere was there, huh?

Then back to FB, wishing my friends who were online ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Kissed my kids both on their cheeks..... viber talk with AA who is in Singapore and SKYPE for awhile with him before we called it night..... that was how we spent our Countdown.... hmmmm...

Woke up to a not-so-sunny morning at 9am.... life is back to normal... the contractor came knocking on my door... OK, OK... coming.... my auto gate needs repairing....

Apparently, I spent my first day of 2012 paying out RM280.00 for house repairs.....hahaa... isn't that a JOY.... on the brighter side, everything is fine now, no more pushing and pushing gate to open....

How about you?  How was your 2012 Countdown?  


  1. Countdown at sutera mall watching fireworks!

  2. celebrating parents' Ruby anniversary n dad's birthday at Mun Cheong Restaurant. with 7 tables n more than 80 guests, we had a wonderful night together.

  3. Countdown at home. Tick tock tick tock....12.00midnite, there goes the fireworks up to the sky, ping ping!!!...pong CNY.

  4. We had dinner at my parents' house...and then we came home...and I slept through all the fireworks and firecrackers. Grest eh? LOL!!!

  5. chris: hei fun outside!

    pam: u havent post up the yummy dishes yet! :)

    irene: hahaha... we are in the same era?

    stp: join in the club! i stayed up bec i have another 2 kids with me.. if they arent around, i will be zzzzz like u too! hahaha...

  6. wow, so happening for your new year eve huh.. i was updating my blog, and by 12am i automatically realized that and by that time already heard fireworks everywhere around me.. hahaha!! not bad huh~~

  7. Have an excellent 2012. We ended 2011 in a restaurant and had a lot of fun.


  8. sounded great! :) wished my brother new year all the way in Europe when they were still having their last dinner for 2011. haha

  9. In front of TV and during commercial break go back to laptop until the midnight. Can see fireworks at KLCC from my place & live on TV as well. Just another day.

  10. we were out for the first time for countdown..

    haha..our auto gate needs repairing too..

  11. coincidence we too had our first day of 2012 with contractors at our house doing some repair work in the kitchen area and spent the entire day cleaning up after that..

    Happy New Year Claire!

  12. Happy New Year 2012! Had the countdown at a friend's condo - watched fireworks at KLCC, The Curve and 1 Utama : D

  13. Countdown with friend at a boardgame cafe... haha I end up drinking a few shot of vodka and sleep at my friend's place... woke up and accompany him to go furniture shopping for his new house :D

    Happy new year again Claire!! woohooo!

  14. I dint had a special countdown, just usual 'yum cha' session with my friends while watching fireworks nearby, hehe..

  15. Was staying over at the Hyatt Saujana Resort KL near our place, had a good count down dinner and watched the fireworks display by the lakeside with my family and in-laws. Pictures to be posted soon.

  16. My First Day of 2012 spend RM 110 for my Telephone Internet Bill and Spend RM 100 + for my Games Stuff . . . all my hard work money LOL :X

  17. I was reading comics in Internet Cafe and chilling alone and watch other people playing games too. Well at least I woke up early for paying my bill hehe XD


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...