Monday, January 2, 2012

Small Kucing & Family Came To IPOH..

I had a pleasant surprise today! At around 12 something, I received a SMS saying that the Kucing Family will be arriving in IPOH in around 2 hours time! Wow.. that was indeed splendid... after reading the Sibu blogger coming to KL to meet up with many others, I was wishing that I could join them as well but unfortunately I couldn't ...

And then to know that I would be receiving guests in two hours time.. I was kind of excited.. where and what to EAT! LOL...

Half an hour before they came, I quickly drove out to get some durians... my kids were excited as well cos it had been a long time since we last took durians...
Durians and Coconut flesh/water to neutralize...
Small Kucing's sign of "Good!"
He catches up very fast... "Peace" sign from me... 
then... off we went... for our Hi-Tea...
This is Hor Hee.. best in IPOH... RM3.50
Woolley Center...
sotong with kangkung... RM7.00
Mama Kucing couldn't resist ordering this fruit dessert..
One for the album before taking off 
for our dinner in Bercham... 
(tomorrow's post)


  1. So happy to see both bloggers that i know were having good time together! ^^

  2. I hope to have chance meetup with small kucing and family, hehe...

  3. Blom checkout yet frm ipoh, u oredi post it up. So efficient one eh? Am still at pomelo stalls.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I enjoy the feeling of meeting up with people from other places. You must have made tonnes of friends from all over the country over the years through the Internet. I believe you will receive more guests in the future.

  6. eunice: yes, we had a good time catching up with one another...

    sharon: yes, hope we can meet up then.. KL!

    weekean: ask u to go back via Bercham way, u dont want.. hahaha..

    pam: I love to go visiting too if time permits.. maybe the next trip will be Sibu.. hahaha..

  7. What fun! and the food looked good, too.

  8. Finally a picture of mamakucing! Btw, how old is small kucing? He is so sporting for the camera

  9. Drooling over the food! The Kucing family is lucky to get so good treat

  10. Im always happy to see bloggers meeting together and makaing sway. Ckaire, can we meet up another blogger gathering in Pennag? ;) ;)

  11. eh bercharm way cannot borong durian wor...opps...i mean pomelo...later the Cleffairy kill me wor for tarak borong durian..opps ..i mean pomelo for her

  12. Ahemmm... Claire ah, tarak Hong Kong Duck for me kah? *muka tembok mode*

  13. Nice pictures on the couch.


  14. gigi: more food pics today...

    irene: he is a cute kucing! haha...

    mummymoon: i am also blessed with food from them!

    jessie: ask your penang taiko to organize! :)

    kathy: all for the love for your friends!!

    cleff: roasted duck.. waited for u all till the shop closed liow!

    filip:yes, time for me to change the couch.. hahaa..

  15. This is your second time meeting up with Kathy,kan?Too bad,never got to meet up with them yet..

  16. You've met quite a number of bloggers already ya!
    Have a nice day Claire!

  17. Eugene... Kat and Claire meet more than 4 times liao lo... lol... mana ada just 2 times? LOL! U come to KL la, den can meet up with us la...

  18. eugene: more than that.. i cannot keep count already..

    hayley: not so many.. regulars, yes..

    cleff: u know better.. hahaa..

  19. Wow!!!...small kuching enjoy makan durian. Still durian season kah? I am one of the durian queen too.

  20. you are a perfect & pretty hostess!

    Happiest New Year wishes
    with Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  21. *Jeles!!! *glares angrily at everybody... :(

  22. wow, mamarazzi invading Ipoh!! hahaha.. i was went to Ipoh yesterday evening too, but just enroute to have dinner after getting down from Cameron..

  23. irene: those days I was a durian maniac.. these days, i cannot.. :)

    cloudia: hahaha... not really..

    stp: wow...wowww..... reminds me of the incredible hulk famous words.. "you dont like me when I'm angry!" hahaha...

    sk: aiyah.. then we should have met up somewhere! :)

    yeeling: another STP? hahah..

  24. Nice meetup! Love the hor hee.. haven't had that in a long time!! Small Kucing seems to be enjoying himself too! hehe.. looking forward to your dinner post! :D

  25. You are certainly a wonderful friend; 2-hour notice and you acould still greet them with durians! ;)

  26. sweetwitch: dinner post is up!!

    Anthony: very near to my house .. half hour kau thim.. :)

  27. Wow! That's nice. Another bloggers meet up..:) Must enjoy to the max. Happy New Year by the way!

  28. A surprise visit from a blogger friend and you did a good job in hosting them.

  29. haha not bad . . . Sotong with Kangkung nice or not? Kind of tempted hehe :P


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