Friday, January 6, 2012

Spring Cleaning For Chinese New Year Yet?

What a busy day!!

Today is the last day for closing account in my office... all payments must be out otherwise ..... ok, forget about office work... I was really exhausted by the time I reached home...

Spent an hour from 6pm till 7pm trying to book the airline tickets online.. finally I got them done after some patience and lots of sweat!  I really detest online flight tickets.. you know, it is like "make no mistakes, otherwise, money wasted" kind of thing ... very stressful for me especially after a day's hard work in the office...(breathe in and out)

Cell group started at 7.30pm... and I got home at 10pm....  and here I am.... pheww...

Tomorrow another busy day... have to take down curtains... will do some spring cleaning here and there... (cobwebs can be seen on the walls already!)

Chinese New Year is just two weeks away.... have you done your "Spring Cleaning" yet?  Like my mum used to do... "Take new broom and sweep the dust off the walls??"


  1. CNY is coming.. busy busy dulu, enjoy enjoy kemudian :)

  2. No spring cleaning in my house. Everyone is lazy, especially me.

  3. Too busy plotting people's death to go and clean up the house lah, Claire... maklumlah, CNY... babi hutan season for me... so banyak idea on how to bunuh orang.

  4. Two weeks kah? Oh dear...I haven;t done a thing!!! Hmmm...just lock up the house and move into a hotel. After all, my girl isn't coming back.

  5. Spring cleaning is a must do before CNY. I have started, but not yet finished.

  6. partly done n considered done.. :)

  7. Never like spring cleaning from small until today. Could be partly lazy, partly sensitive nose and partly sensitive eyes would say lazinezz is wholly, more of an excuse muahaha.

  8. I have started.. Half way, hehe...

  9. It is the time of the year again, doing spring cleaning. As busy as a bee and noises of pressure pump can be heard everywhere now and then. Mood of CNY as what we call it.

  10. oh, didn't realise CNY is just so close.. still haven't fully recover from the xmas and new year holiday yet and so soon need to prepare the mood for CNY, haha~~

  11. Spring cleaning? What spring cleaning? Hahaha.

  12. new broom? maybe i shld be getting one for that..hehe

  13. hahaha...most of us are in the same boat.. so I think i also lantak la!!

  14. Love all your comments.. i also want to consider it done, like Wenn!! hahaha.a..

  15. I m done with CNY cookies...but for spring cleaning...gonna start soon.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...