Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thank You, Darling!

I received a parcel yesterday... it is supposed to be my overdue birthday present.... hehehee...
grinning with joy....

So what's inside? 
Steve Job's creation... APPLE!!
Yes, no more an uncommon sight... 
but to me, this is a priceless gift...
from my Darling Boy!

This afternoon Andy went to Jaya Jusco to get the "protection cover" for my Apple iPhone and to get all the necessary apps downloaded for this mummy here....

"Andy, make sure you teach me everything that I need to know before you go back to college... by the way, thanks for being patient...."  :)

Holding a new gadget is like holding a newborn baby again... hahahaa... It will take me some time to get used used to this ... so much to learn and remember...

But Most Of All...... Thank you, Aaron B for this wonderful present... Love it!!

Now I can viber with you FOC no matter near or far.....YES!!


  1. Wow tech-savvy Claire!
    Happy playing with your new toy. I'm sure it'll bring tonnes of joy! ;)

  2. wow! really a nice present! enjoy playing with it ya! =D

  3. anthony: free calls.. hahaha...

    henry: yes, want to save money calling long distance ma.. :)

  4. wah can watss app with me edi. :)

  5. You deserve all these wonderful gifts cos you're simply the best Mum to your children. More presents are on the way in time to come. Now iPhone, in future iHouse...

  6. wow..that's very nice of Aaron..

  7. Hi Clare, Happy Belated Birthday. What a wonderful gift...I love APPLE products --and we have lots of them. However, we don't have an iPhone yet... We're still using our old phone --and probably will until it dies... WHEN we do get a new phone, I'm sure it will be an iPhone though... Hope you enjoy yours.


  8. wow, sweet!! so now you have iPhone 4S.. guess you will blog less because most of your time will be spent on playing with that new phone~~ :p

  9. Wah...... Can blog anytime now. Get an iPad soon!

  10. That is an nice gift but a bit tricky to send it by the post.


  11. hey guys, not iPhone 4S la.. only a iPhone 3... much cheaper and for aunties like me, it is more than complicated already! hahaha...

  12. Happy for you, not only having a nice phone, but two very filial sons that you have.

  13. Mom is proud of the son,likewise the son is proud of the mother too, you have brought them up well,sis > God bless

  14. tQ to Aaron B for the iPaid lolz. Happy pole ting wah choke..~;)

  15. I will let Philip see this. I will read to him this post. I will get him to remember this. Ur son really so love u deep deep. anyway u deserve this. in fact, u can now fb/blog on ur apple jor....

  16. good boy
    GREAT smile!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  17. savvy jor,Claire. Do what's apps me next time ya..hehehheh

  18. Claire,
    I am not a gadget person and a phone no matter how hightech also,is useless to me.I would just make calls,receive calls and sms only.But I tell you, the minute I got my iphone, I become so tech crazy and not in a million years I would think that I could go ga-ga over a handphone.I'm in love and I hope you too will like it.Wah...I also can viber you!...don't forget facetime, icloud, free games etc!

  19. WAHHHHHHH!!!! Your son so good one kah? Will also buy expensive presents for father-in-law or not? *nudge...nudge...!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!

  20. Wah... envious! Hehehe... kiddin, enjoy your newborn bb, make sure sayang every night before sleep. : )

  21. So nice of your son! Really sayang you. Congrats and enjoy your newborn baby!

  22. Wat a wonderful gift. Enjoy ur new toy!

  23. Claire...I got condoms for the phone. I tarak guna cuz I dun have iphone.. u wan or not? I send to u.

  24. envy...envy...have fun exploring with your iphone!!

  25. one-day sale today at apple store:

    happy shopping!

  26. Wow, what a thoughtful gift from your son! Enjoy your new toy and welcome to Apple fan club!!

  27. veron: i m still learning.. so difficult to me!

    doc: thanks for info!

    slavemom:i will..thanks!

    carolyn: hahaha..newbie!

    cleff: i wanT! but so troublesome to send!

    lena: so difficult to learn!

    stp: quick quick!! do something!

    shereen: dont know got time to do so much or not! hahaa..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...