Saturday, January 7, 2012

What Franchise Is This?

Gosh... A very busy day for me and my kids today!! Will talk about that in days to come.. right now, I wanna share something nice with all of you!

Got to taste this special franchise last week.... can anyone guess what type of franchise this is??? Tell me what this is if you have tried it before...

Let me tell you... it tasted GOOD!!
lying down angle....
upright angle...
Hope Ipoh will have this franchise soon!!


  1. Looks like elongated fried sweet potato fritters (farn shee darn). Hmm... or may be fried ice-cream coated in pastry?

  2. Looks very obscene... Muahahahaha!!!!

  3. hmmm something fried...sweet potato fritter with some filling inside?

    couldn't be a sausage unless its a breaded sausage?

  4. corn-dog. fried sausage. very fattening..

  5. errr, this is sausage right?? hmmm, not really interested with that jacket, i prefer the plain one lah..

  6. Faster reveal.. what is this? Haven't seen this before in KL! :P

  7. It looks strange but I am sure it tastes good.


  8. I tink my son would love this sausage on stick. I bought some for him once, and he ate it all up by himself!

  9. Never see but to me it looks like deep fried sweet potatoes. Looks nice.

  10. Seen it on Astro Disscovery Travel some US food show. Nice or not???

  11. aww im curious, dont keep me in the dark. tell me now! haha

  12. Hmm haven't seen this before.. But it definitely looked like it's a fried thingy..

    LOL @ Pete's comment -- Poke Eye Franchise.. Hahaha

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