Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Desserts At Delicious, Straits Quay, Penang

Delicous, here we are....
my favourite corner...
so many to choose from...

Upon entering The Delicious in Straits Quay, we were surprised to see quite a crowd waiting to be seated.  We proceeded to the counter and put our name on the waiting list... To pass time, we "scrutinized" the cake counter.....

Around fifteen minutes or so, we were taken to our seats..... by then, it was already nine pm.... our dinner cum supper!  :p
the crowd....
quickly we made our order...
wanna guess why we did this sign V?
just look at their menu... 
 like "attending" and reading notes...
while waiting....its pictures' time again....
whose handbag is that??
another one more take....

we did something different that night...
we took our "desserts" first.....

we just couldn't resist not eating these first before our main meal...
so irresistible!!
We didn't have a proper whole cake for Aaron...
Just make-do with these two pieces....  :)

(main meal post tomorrow)

BlackBall 黑丸


  1. The dessert..."ho chiak". The V sign stands for 2 pieces.

  2. What tart is that? Looks really tempting but guess it's on the sweet side.

  3. the last time I was there but I backed out as I had no time to wait.

  4. those cakes look so delicious! Yum!

  5. The cakes are beautiful!!! Dessert first is FUN!

  6. Oooo...desserts! The slices are pretty big, it seems. Yummmm!!!!

  7. Pam: white chic tart.. Fabulous! Haha

  8. Wenn: good biz there

    Ginny: yea . For a change

  9. Mmmmmm!!!

    I will definitely head there the next time I visit Penang!

  10. Yoo.. looks so yummy!! I wanna try too!

  11. veron: go for the desserts! :)

    littleboykit: agree!

    hayaley: now i miss the desserts!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....