Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Saved By A Call...

This is not the first time....but I hope it will be the last...

After doing my chores downstairs and leaving the kettle of water to boil, I went up and did my own stuff... checked my emails, facebook, etc etc on the Internet.. then my house phone rang and it was from my sister.  Both of us started to  "boil porridge" phone. 

In the midst of our conversation, my handphone started to ring and I ended the call with my sister.  Ran downstairs to retrieve the call ..only to that the kettle of water was boiling and boiling like forever!  I quickly off the stove fire....

By then my handphone has also stopped ringing... 

In my heart, I gave a word of "thanks" to whoever called me on my handphone and a Big Thanks to my God who prompted the fella to call me...

It was from my buddy.. the first question she asked was, "Did you call my house phone earlier?  Cos I was in the toilet.. when I came out, it stopped."

Then I began to thank her... telling her about my kettle of water going to dry up already...

She kept reprimanding me for being "stingy" cos I didn't invest in an electric kettle... then she added she will buy me one this Saturday.... isn't that nice of her? 

Meanwhile, I better not boil water these few days... hahaha.....


  1. Claire, buy the one that whistles when the water boils.

  2. Gosh!..that is dangerous. I can't imagine what will happen if not for that call. Get an electric automatic switch off kettle once it boils.

  3. Please do get an electric kettle. A whistling kettle won't serve its purpose if you are busy "boiling porridge" coz your focus will be on yakking! Lolz

  4. It's God who rang your friend and made her think that you'd called her earlier. That led to her calling you back and saved whoever God wanted to rescue. Miracles do happen, especially on those whom He loves dearly...

  5. Claire... get those whisling kettle la...that one very noisy when water boiled liao, sure can listen wan.

  6. Lol next time try to use something tat it auto cut off system...
    I always very cautious when I go out....
    Always double confirm everything like cut off d fire, electric appliances n etc....

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. better get the flask with auto boil..

  9. inspiredmom: yes, either that or electric one..

    irene: yes, for my age, i opt for electrical..

    gratitude: hahaa..u understand me too well..

    cleff: i m also worried that i go out half way while it is on the stove..

    simpleperson: sometimes no need to go out also dangerous cos once upstairs, lazy to go downstairs..

    wenn: coway .. i thought of that..

  10. hey thats very dangerous claire.. do be more careful next time ya XD

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  11. Ya lor....get an electric kettle !

  12. If you wanna boil water at least use a whistling kettle!

  13. wow! that was super dangerous. glad the phone took you to the boiling kettle!

  14. Ya...I have a whistling peteformation's.

  15. oh that was close. really got to be careful, my friend. I still think that you shd get an elektrical one as advised by others too.

  16. Claire..lucky ur buddy call you at your handphone...

  17. Claire..lucky ur buddy call you at your handphone...

  18. Go scout around for the auto cut off electric kettle, I can't remember what brand but there are plenty,I reckon

  19. Its a good thing to hve eletric kettle hihihi... I face that too.. But mine cooking baby's porridge. Hihi.. Hagus the smells remind be.. But its too late.. Oh my..


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