Thursday, February 23, 2012

To Mokuren And Then Aka Momiji

I promised my girl that we would go for Japanese food this evening for dinner.... she is a BIG fan of Japanese cuisine.. while myself... er... so-so only... If you ask me to choose between Chinese and Japanese food, guess which I would choose... hahahaa..

So when my friends called me up for curry fish head, I have to refuse them half-heartedly... I know my girl would be very disappointed if we go for that...

Anyway.... off we went to this Mokuren Japanese Cuisine at 7pm... upon entering, we saw most of the tables were empty but with a Reserved sign... then we were told that the tables were all reserved.... (kam laku geh...)

Our second choice is further down the road... called Aka Momiji... (I cannot never get it into my head.. so I took this picture to help me here.... )
A two shop lot restaurant... 
at least they have ample tables for non-reserved guests...

looking at this picture make me
realize that I have to "cut down" some...
But when these came, 
the "slimming down thought" conveniently disappeared...
this is unagi something.. RM18.90
cucumber salad... I think...
something cooling...
a bowl of ramen with chicken....RM14.90
both of us shared the big bowl...
followed by this soft crab roll... RM5.80
She really enjoyed eating Japanese food...
Feeling fully satisfied, I called for the bill..
My purse is lightened by RM54....

Japanese food is not cheap, right? 


  1. okay la. It's worth paying as long as both of you enjoyed the food and each other's company,

  2. Pam, expected to be that much.. cos the Japanese food are normally quite pricey... :)

  3. i went there 2 weeks ago, good that we had a table, it was during lunch and we didnt do any booking. By the time we left, the place was already packed, next time you try the tofu salad with 'ngan yee chai' nice!

  4. Japs food is not cheap...
    But u feel satisfaction......

  5. I don't like raw fish, but otherwise sushi is good. I make ramen soup frequently in Hawaii.

  6. It certainly looks nice, I have never seen Japanese food in such a bag like for French Fries.


  7. It all looks good, the crab roll is really pretty! I thought most Japanese food is raw!

  8. I love eating Japanese food,but not those raw types.

  9. Both my kids love Japanese food too but not me. From the photos, all the food looks simply delicious.

  10. Bring more money when you come to Sibu. There is a very nice Japanese restaurant here...but it's quite expensive. Hehehehehehe!!!!

  11. It wasn't cheap, but once in a while ok la! We live to eat ma!

  12. im a huge fan of jap foodstuff too! but RM54 for two pax is considered okay :) at least it's a nice treat for your daughter

    Latest: Lovely Taste at 6

  13. Hey Claire, I've tried Akamomiji before! Very nice!


Thank you, readers!

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