Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Making Of Sibu Kompia

After our Saturday Night Fever and Karaoke, by the time we reached our hotel room, we were truly exhausted.  It was almost midnight when I hit the pillow... the room was very comfortable, two big queen size beds for the three of us....

The next morning, our "tour guide" was at our hotel lobby at around 7.40am already! (supposed to be at 8am, right, Arthur?) Thank goodness I was almost ready then otherwise I would be left behind... lol..

Our first stop... to the famous and fresh Kompia biscuits in Sibu...
Seng Wan Bakery... 
first... our tour guide introduced us...
he is pretty familiar with the "lau pan" there...
our famous photographer ....
and then the clicking began....
posing for us too... such a nice guy..
then we stood by to watch them do the "job"
charcoal cooked... don't play play... 
no baking, no oil... just sticking them to the claypot 
(or whatever it is called)
now it is my turn to be filmed... hehehee....
the Hot and Fresh Kompia-s....
there are sweet and the salted ones..
As usual, I prefer anything that is sweet... hmm....
Thanks for taking us here, Arthur.. interesting!


  1. nice...fresh from the charcoal oven ' something like the tandoori ' must be tasty and delicious...slurp !

  2. Yes, agreed with you. THis is indeed very interesting to be able to witness the process of making kompia.

  3. elin: next time we go sitiawan and try those kompia there..

    heyley: interesting too..

    yeeling: interesting to see u all too!

  4. I wish I could taste one! I have never seen them cooked on the sides of the pot like this...

  5. yup...very interesting seeing that

  6. Quite difficult to make this kompia right?

  7. Who was it who told me that day Sitiawan kompia not the same one? Throw against cement wall, the wall also crack one? LOL!!!

  8. truly interesting. the way they stick it with the charcoal. I will go for sweet too! lol XD

    Latest: My E-Stars Seoul Korea Tournament Experience

  9. ginny: this is something very authentic.. nowadays not many do this anymore..

    kathy: an eye opener.. :)

    foongpc: for me, sure is!

    stp: memang not same one... ok, one day i will go sitiawan to take a few pictures of kompia.. :)

    isaac: u also sweet tooth!

    gigi: something different.. chinese bagel, so it is called..

  10. This was taken in Rejang Park. Not far away from my home. Already miss my home already by looking at these familiar photos

  11. I would enjoy walking with YOU!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  12. I have been to this shop too! I like their pork fillings kompia.. It was highly recommended by my sibu dorm mates during national service :)

  13. wenn: yes..indeed..

    bf: I think so.. ahaha..

    cloudia: thanks!!

    wyyv: hey, must be interesting for you too!

  14. Interesting to witness the making of kompia and boy!!!...look at the freshly baked kompia.

  15. So, how many packet you brought back to Ipoh?

  16. irene: Ipoh here no kompia..

    yan: actually i didnt buy as many as the others.. i consumed them there and then.. :)

  17. Sarawak with their kompia, Perak with your beh-teh-soh. Both are yummy! :)

  18. good that you can have the opportunity to look at the baking process first hand. :)

  19. gratitude: different states, different speciality! :)

    christopher: yeah, good experience too!

  20. may i knw the full address of seng wan bakery...i ned to do my form 3 project...thx for help ^^

  21. may i knw wat is the name of the bos???


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....