Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lee Chong Wei Injured In Wuhan, China

Oh dear, I didn't know Lee Chong Wei was seriously injured during his game this afternoon, he was playing for the Thomas Cup in Wuhan, China.

Our team lost 2-3 to the Denmark team, if LCW was not injured, Malaysia would have won 3-2.  So unfortunate for Lee Chong Wei, he must be deeply saddened by this incident... I guess many of us are....
Got this picture from the Badminton forum... 
gosh...just look at his ankle landing...
it looks so "awkward" to me...
Obviously, he was in terrible pain...
the ankle was very swollen and he was crying....
so sad to see this picture...
But despite the terrible pain, 
he limped to the court to "officially retire" from the game..

What a pity.... such a harsh blow on him... with the Olympic games three months away and the chance of being the champion might be at stake....

Hope he will recover from his injury soon...

All the Best to Lee Chong Wei, he is our national hero!


  1. Means, Malaysia is out of Thomas Cup now. Oh no! This is not nice at all.

  2. I also couldn't believe what I saw from the news. The injury looked so severe to me. I am just afraid that he might not be able to recover fully before Olympics 2012. Sad sad...

  3. Hopes he get well by the time Olympics starts hor.

  4. No Thomas cup....no Olympics medal already.... Blame on BAM for failing to discover new talented players. If china lost Lin Dan , they still have other players to win honors.

  5. yan: yes, out already..cos our team is not strong enough...

    pam: i havent seen the news yet.. must be very severe... swollen ankle.. no wonder he is crying..

    kathy: :( too...

    rachel: he might not want to strain much by then...

    chris: all goes to our politics la.. that is why the foreign coaches resign...

  6. yeah, just heard of the news..sad thing :((

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhh, this looks painful!!! Let us know what they diagnose, maybe it is broken? I hope it will heal and he can continue playing!

  8. We are HUGE Bee Gees fans, and I had almost all their albums, even their first one I bought back in the 60's. I think they were song writing geniuses. I think I know all your songs below. I wish they were ALL "Stayin' Alive"!

  9. Engine tua, sudah rosak. Repair, also not the same anymore...have to find new one liao lor! LOL!!!

  10. Pity him.. Sighs.. Praying for his recovery, hope he will recover soon..

  11. So sad to hear this...Yea..he is our national hero!

  12. Read it in the papers today...So disappointed and sad and can really feel it for him....

  13. Speedy recovery, LCW.

  14. lena: yeah..he worked so hard for it..

    ginny: The Bee Gees are the best.. their voice are so unique!

    stp: so far, no one shines yet...

    june: yeah...must be very sad for him too..

    yeeling: so far, he is the most outstanding next to nicole..

    daddy: yeah, he must be feeling very upset..

  15. LCW has been so stressed out already,we might now understand the burden that's on him,as if whole Malaysia is on him, depend on him to win the Thomas Cup,depend on him to clinch the first Olympics gold and so an so forth.....

    Something must be done about our badminton state,I hope it will not be like football,remember when I was small, Korea and Japan also scared of us but now,,,,,,,,,sigh,,,,,,,,,,,

  16. Age is not on his side and no new talents being discovered.

  17. Hau siau punya Lee Chong Wei. Guess Lin Dan will get the London gold.

  18. I really wish somehow, Malaysia can pull this through and maybe a new star will rise out other than keep depending on LCW only.

  19. eugene: he should take it easy now.. Lin Dan is not easy to beat.. staying at world no.1 for a few years now is already an achievement..

    kash: yes, no new talents yet..

    anonymous: the chances is higher...

    daniel: his shoulder is heavy, i guess...

  20. not winning the thomas cup is ok....

    bt the olympic.....please recover on time!!!!

  21. he tried his best! i hope he recover soon and obtain a gold metal from olimplic!!


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