Thursday, May 3, 2012

Scholarships Do and Don't's

After our lunch in Mid Valley, we took a cab to the college for the interview... it started around 1.30pm and my girl had hers around 3pm... within 15 minutes she was out... :)  the chances?  hhmmm....

It was raining, it was pouring... both of us were like stranded in the college.. but we managed to get a lift from two students who arranged to drop us at KL Central, in time to take our train ride back to Ipoh....
 another interview over and done with...
my girl quite like this college... 
Tomorrow I am supposed to take my girl for another scholarship interview in a university in Cheras ... but after much thinking and so much inconvenience involved, we decided to forgo this interview.

Ok, the purpose of this post is to give a word of advice for parents with school going kids...

For those SPM students, do remember this...

It is advisable to go for Education Fair during the December or January holidays...
It is better for you to register early in college, to enroll in before the results are out...
You can still claim your scholarship from them when the SPM results are out....
Don't wait too long like I do... scholarships in certain colleges are on "first come, first serve" basis... I didn't know that till today....

Secondly, don't apply for too many scholarships... they make us "pening".... "giddy"...

Thirdly, don't be so fickled-minded like me... "this one?  that one?? which college? which Uni?"

Finally, after all these questions I imposed on myself, my girl told me to go and study too!  Cheeky!!
Anyway, wherever she may go...
 To God Be The Glory..


  1. LOL cheeky girl. tell her kful of worms . juz joking. chin will work out fine in the end. will passs you Harriet beamer takes the bus book to read. I think will suit you.

  2. kathy: Looking forward to Harriet.. when see u?

  3. anyway..all will be fine soon..

  4. I hope that she will choose the best college uni that is affordable and that can provide her with the courses that she's looking for.

    All the best and God bless.

  5. wenn: will...

    mery: thanks!

    jessie: hope it will be soon...

  6. All the best and hopes everything will end up well :)

  7. Is this the only one that she will be doing the interview, then?? I just know she will get a good school! Fifteen minutes is not very long, though. But maybe they had a lot and interviews and not much time.

  8. now thats an idea.. go take up a scholarship and study together with your girl :P

  9. Or you can ask for a transfer. Irrespective of where your daughter goes to, you ikut saja...

  10. Ah!!!! Once she leaves, you goyang kaki dah!!! So lonely, so boring...make sure you do lots of things to keep yourself come to Sibu, for example. Enjoy!!! LOL!!!

  11. thanks for sharing these infos. Didnt know it until i visit here

  12. Your girl is lucky to have you scratching part of her head for her.. I remembered doing all this on my own after my SPM, and it's really tiring.. all the best, and hope she is able to secure one scholarship soon.

  13. U r a good mum, just like my parents. They accompany me to the college, enquire here and there. They even accompany me to look for a suitable place to stay. Driving around the housing area looking for "TO LET" sign on the gate. They used up so much of their time just to make sure I'm in a safe hand.

    I'm sure your girl appreciated what you have done for her. Wish her all the best ! College life is the best ! haha

  14. thanks for the tip. children these are so blessed to have their parents still "doting" on them!

  15. Girls are girls.. as a mum, I think I never stop worrying :)

  16. wah..i know this interview.. i know a friend of mine got it.. kinda cool scholarship if you get it. .gluck


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