Saturday, August 4, 2012

A BIG Fly In Red Bean Soup!

My son and I went for lunch in one of the food outlets in Greentown Business Center. I won't mention the name of this shop but I tell myself that I will not want to go there once again....

What "lured" me there was the crowd, especially during the lunch hour.  (Ipohians normally go for cheap and nice food including me!)...

That was why I wanted to take my son there to have lunch today... we wanted to try their set lunch that comes with a main dish, soup, a glass of coffee/tea/red beans and a dessert... all these comes to a stunning price of only RM7.50-10.50 (depending on the menu)

After our orders, we were served with a glass of red bean that came with a big straw and spoon.  As usual, I stirred and sipped... stirred......and........going to sip until I saw one black thing floating on top of the ice when I wanted to sip!

OH MY GOSH!!!  WHAT IS THAT FLOATING??   I quickly scoped it up... and............
"must be frozen to death!

All at once, my appetite vanished... "kaput"...
I thought of cancelling the order and go out...
but my son told me not to do that...
I called the service girl over... showed her... told her... 
She didn't even apologise... nothing!  
Her unsmiling and unexpression-less face is what I admire...
So cool.... wow!!

However she told me that she would change another glass for me!
Hey, did I hear right??? 
NO..No...I told her to get me 2 glasses of warm water instead...
She looked at me one kind..
By then I really had no appetite...
even when my rice with half piece of salmon came... 
nothing is attractive anymore...
this is steamed salted chicken with rice...
a pea sized oversteamed egg custard
I can only give credit to the dessert...
It is the only thing we managed to eat up..
except for the mint leaves...

Well, this is not the first time I have seen flies in my food...
But at least show some courtesy....
Don't pretend that nothing have happened...

Or is it that if they show some apologetic look,
they end up paying "compensation?" 
So they chose to remain cool and oblivious of it all....


  1. Typical attitude of a lot of hawkers/restaurant owners in Malaysia!!! You should have walked out, why pay for a service which didn't not satisfy you? Even though it's cheap, you have a right to a decent service/satisfaction of the meal.

  2. Aikssss!!!...Lucky it is floating or else you would have sip and thought it was red bean. Can't imagine what will happen next... "lau sai"

  3. kash: that is the trouble with me.. dont want to make a scene..

    irene: it is not floating actually.. i was stirring the red bean ice and it came up from somewhere.. sigh..

  4. Aiyo, yo... I wouldn't like to step into that shop. Luckily you didn't sip that in!

  5. well... cheap food with cheap attitude, hahahaha

  6. cheah: sip also i would be thinking that is red bean!!

    medie: hahahaa... guess so!

  7. shock thats aint good the foods seems tasty though hope they can give extra effort on the food safety stuff

  8. No need to make a scene, just inform the staff what happened and walk out, that's all. By the way, the doubles pair didn't play well, I think not enough sleep for them,lol.

  9. Whoa, 'ga liu' red bean soup ! haha... Like lottery !

  10. aiyo all the food are terrible
    one of my fav is the custard and the custard really pathetic...
    if i were you I definetely call the boss and make a big complaint..

  11. mecoy: no food quality control.. sigh...

    kash: actually i really felt like walking out after informing them.. but my son told me not to...

    kristy: must be extra careful when we eat out..right?

    kathy: moe kau chor...

    simpleperson: what is cheap is not necessary good.. that is the moral of the story..

  12. Terrible! My friends hosted a farewell party for me at a Chinese restaurant. Guess what, there was a cockroach in my noodles. Ew. I sent it back and refused to eat anything else. Farewell party ruined.

  13. the dessert looks great! :) i hope they can improve on their service..

    Latest: BEST: Assam Hot Pot

  14. omg..the fly would surely kill my appetite too!

  15. aieekks!!why you always kena these things one ah? " kar liu"! did they charge you for the drink?

  16. gigi: oh gosh..cockroach is my most feared insect..

    fish: there is always a crowd..

    wenn: definitely!

    lena: maybe i m very observant? hahaha.. the drink was inside the set lunch.. so they charged as normal...


Thank you, readers!

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