Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Grand Imperial In 1Utama And Back To Ipoh

Tuesday is here.. time flies extremely fast... it is time for AA to "fly" back to Singapore... Early morning we drove down to Sg Buloh again, reached around 11.30am and we were "ushered" to a scrumptious lunch at Grand Imperial in 1Utama....
In 1U... 
Didn't see any dogs in the parking lot though...
testing out the camera....

After some hours of relaxation, soon it was time to leave for the airport to bade goodbye to AA... the roads leading to the airport were quite empty in certain parts and on the way back to Ipoh, there was no jam though there were lots of cars... Tiring day...
Tomorrow is another hectic day... LOL...

Grand Imperial Restaurant


  1. It is tiring when you drive up and down to KL in the same day. But at least you have a 'driver',lol.

  2. that's nice..at least you hv got back yr handphone.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Waaaaaa!!!! High class! My post today also on dim sum...but no class one lah. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

  5. love the foods yumyumyum especially the 1st and 2nd at the left column

  6. kash: yes, i will surely be very tired..

    wenn: back in one piece.. hahaa..

    chris: yes! very nice!

    stp: i just read.. coincidence! hahaha..

    mecoy: have you tried them before?

  7. how is the dimsum there?
    last time my bil wedding is over there

  8. Thank you for showing us around. that meal is also enjoyed here every day.

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  9. It has been awhile since I last hang out in 1Utama. :D

  10. The dim sum looks good....but the portion is a bit small. :p

  11. Wow, nice dim sum.So much to savour. You bought a new camera kah?

  12. simpleperson: I like the roasted pork best! hahahaa..if u call that dim sum... very crispy and nice.. as for the others, Ipoh has almost the same taste.. :)

    cloudia: not really every day.. :) once awhile is nice..

    tekkaus: u must take your kids there one day...yes, dim sum is small portions.. or perhaps my pictures are small? :)

    irene: how did u know that? so smart!!

  13. irene: oh yeah..i forgot i mentioned it there..hahahaa..

  14. so fast time flies. Just the other day he came back now fly back again

  15. When it comes to working days, then very slow! :)

  16. New camera? What brand, model did you buy? Photos look pretty much the same to me...like those before, more or less.

  17. I've dined here before. Once only..

  18. Hmmmm...never been to this restaurant. Glad to see some of the food pics ere.

  19. stp: hahaha... still mingling with it.. yes more or less the same one.. not the big chunky ones..

    merryn: i cannot afford to go there if i were to pay...

    ling: actually pretty much the same everywhere.. :)

  20. wow, love those dimsum!! and do you think it is worth so much of driving?? hahaha, but of course that's not the purpose you drove down lah, at least some nice food for the trip~~ :p

  21. sk: yes.. tiring to go down south two times in a matter of 4 days,.. :)


Thank you, readers!

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