Monday, August 6, 2012

Our Malaysia Olympic Hero, Dato' Lee Chong Wei

It may be a loss for not winning the Olympics Gold but Lee Chong Wei has gained much more than that... In the eyes of the Malaysians and I am sure in other countries as well, our Dato' Lee Chong Wei is certainly a Winner for he has WON the hearts and respect of many.... Not only that, he has brought Malaysians together, regardless of race and age!

It is indeed touching to know that This One Man can bring unity through Badminton.  When he played, we played along with him... the "oooh-s" and the "ahhhhss".... the "clapping of hands"... the Cheers.... together we supported him morally if not physically...

It is really not easy to reach this stage, an event where he has been training tirelessly to gain a gold for Malaysia.  His efforts and his determination and his cries touched our hearts.....

As the matches were going on last night, I was facebook-ing and my heart was thumping fast too... Sad to know that a man died while watching... the game was too intense... that shows that Lee Chong Wei has really played his very best last night, none can deny that....

Bringing the nation together last night...

By tomorrow he will be back in Malaysia...
A Hero's Welcoming...


  1. My wifey cried, and my whole family are saddened at his loss yesterday. He has indeed bring the whole Malaysia together. Bravo Dato Lee.

  2. Andrew: i m sure many of us feel the same too.. felt for him too...

  3. He is the real hero and he should be congratulate with what he had done.He did not lose but he has no luck to win.I feel his sadness and I know he is so frustrated with it and that's why he cry.Act, he make us cry with him.He show us what is sportsmanship. I respect him very much.

  4. He did himself proud. Are you going for his home coming tommorow at KLIA?

  5. LOL!!! You have to go to KLIA, Claire... You're his die-hard fan!

  6. So many fans, even Facebook alone...non-stop updates, LCW many days already still going on. If all turn up at KLIA in huge numbers like the people at Bersih riots, I am sure he will be so touched - did not win, also never mind.

  7. LOL @ STP's comment, are you in KLIA now, Claire?

    Dato LCW is our national champion!! We are so proud of him; to all of us, he is our GOLD medal.

  8. A man died while watching it? Goodness! I didn't know that! See what Datuk LCW can do! Such an impact on many ppl's lives huh?

  9. well said Claire. I saw a lot of comments in FB, regardless races all supported LCW. He is indeed our M'sian's hero.

  10. Oh dear! I didn't know a man died during the match!! That's so intense.. But I do agree, Lee Chong Wei brought us all together! I even watched and supported him all the way from Sydney! :) Well done!

  11. legendarywariner: as we all know, he has tried his very best...

    kash: i wish i could go.. :)

    stp: it is not easy to play before such a big crowd and to be watched by millions.. the pressure is so "heavy" in a way... he deserves to be given a Big welcome for the efforts he put through..

    yvonne: hahaha..i wish i were there.. too bad.. not enough leave.. hahaa...

    carolyn: the game was very intensive.. point to point.. i also worry about my heart..

    mnhl: yes, many people glued to the tv.. those who dont watch badminton also watched on that night.. :)

    sweetwitch: as i said, watched by millions from all over the world.. too bad..just too bad he didnt manage to catch the gold..

  12. You've got to watch this homage to Lee Chong Wei on YouTube, Claire. You will love it!

    <a href="></a>

  13. yes.. he is now the 'hero'... imagine if he did not lose 21-19 on the last set, but instead 21-9... can still be hero ah?

    anyway, he played a good game, even better than 4 years ago.. :D

  14. MG: thanks so much! :))

    cyn:yes..4 years ago, he was so outclassed by Lin Dan.. now 4 years later, it is 50/50...

  15. Oh yes although he lose but still the Malaysian Hero. It remain me the song "Hero"....The hero lies in you Dato LCW.

  16. Is sad but we are still very proud of him.

  17. He gave his best and he put up a great fight till the end. To me, he is a winner already.

  18. Yes, Lee Chong Wei is such a national hero! I think he is the king of hearts. He makes me proud top be a Malaysian. Claire, you should go to the airport and take a photo with him :D I would love to see that! And why not start your badminton again. You will make Lee Chong Wei happy I'm sure :D

  19. vicky: that is a nice song.. the hero lies in us..

    QP: yes, he has improved tremendously compared to the last 4 years...

    mary: hahaha... you made me laughed at your last statement.. if he knows me, I would be in sky high! hahaha..

  20. heroes like them can really make a country be one even just for a moment like whats happening to us every manny paquiao fight

  21. mecoy, yes, people admire people such as these..

  22. It was such a close match. And I thot of u, DLCW's #1 fan, when I was watching the match. My heart was beating so hard, I can't imagine how was yours. hahaha


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