Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Our Simple Homecooked Christmas Meal

Called up few restaurants in the late afternoon but all same reply, "Sorry, full.." or "Come around 8pm.." Not surprising to hear that especially during the festive season... Those popular eatery places are normally crowded or full.. unless we are willing to wait but stomach usually cannot wait that long.. hahaha... so where shall we go for our food... or what shall we eat..... I asked my kids... and their answer was ....

Yes... Yours Truly ended up folding up her sleeves and tied an apron around her waist... (cough.. cough.. ahemmmm....) 
Spent some time in the kitchen...  and 
some funny dishes appeared...
my kids' favourite dish...
Potato Chicken
my newly invented dish...
Bean sprouts with ladies fingers (Okra)
steamed "golden fish" with ginger slices...
(roughly done.... hahaha.... )
After some minutes...  the final result...
For dessert.... 
Durian cheesecake, Carrot cake and Turkish indulgence..
Phew.... one meal settled.... 
and...The rest of the meals?  
Road side stalls lor...


  1. wow...not bad. Ok la..at least a warm Christmas with your family. :) I had lots of good food lately with my parents, going around JB and nearby towns.

  2. That's great! A family reunion dinner at home. Merry Christmas to you Claire and your kids.

  3. Nice! Why Andy looked macam not so happy compared to the photo in the earlier post? Muahahahahaha!!!!

    We also had homecooked food at home for Christmas dinner, invited my in-laws to join us. Too much of the good stuff in NZ - time to go back to our simple ways.

  4. Oh my gosh! This is just as beautiful and yummy looking as the fancy foods you eat at restaurants!!! You are such a good cook, nothing like home at Christmas! Nothing is open here on Christmas! Well, I did hear that McDonald's will be staying open, I feel sorry for people who have to eat there.

  5. chris: wahh..you must show what you had with your parents... they traveled so far to see your baptism!

    wenn: yes, if not for my laziness, i would love to cook once awhile..

    stp: cos..maybe something is missing from the table.. his favourite soup.. hahaha...

    ginny: think of it the positive way, at least they have food for their stomach on Christmas day.. :)

  6. these are comforting home cooked dishes! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. " Spent some time in the kitchen... and some funny dishes appeared..."..

    LOL!! but the dishes don't look funny to me at all lah.. :p

  8. That's a great dinner. Mum's cooking is always the best. End results shows that the food are delicious.

  9. Can see the newly invented dish, sapu habis. Must be yummy!!!...

  10. Claire..simply but yet comforting food. I prefer to stay at home instead of joining the crowd in the restaurants.

  11. can i skip fish and go straight to the deserts hahaha

    i love that potato chicken

    yum yum

    merry xmas claire

  12. sk: taugeh and ladies fingers.. my kids asked.. why like that one? hehee...

    irene: no choice for them.. hahaa..

    mecoy: sure sure!! desserts are my favourite too!

  13. ling: yes.. dont like the waiting and the queue.. :) after today, maybe easier to get place..

  14. Merry Christmas Reana!

    That's certainly a homely Chirstmas meal minus the queue and wait at restaurants. Very comforting dish too!

    Never though of okra and bean sprouts together. Will give it a try since I like okra while the hubby likes bean sprouts.

  15. merry christmas to you..
    no turkey for christmas?


Thank you, readers!

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