Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Malaysian Scholarships 2013 Are On Again!

For SPM leavers, please take note.  This is the time where scholarships for both local and overseas applications will be out every now and then.  All you have to do is to google for Malaysia scholarships 2013 and recently the one suitable for my girl is the Shell Scholarship.  The closing date is 30th January 2013, that is tomorrow!  I only got to know last week and I quickly told my girl to apply but we have yet to, it is still halfway done.  This is called procrastination....

As a parent, my hopes are still running high but I hope my girl is thinking as "high" as me too! hahaha... With scholarship whether it be local or overseas, the finance burden practically comes to Zero.  You do not need to worry about "saving up" money for the next semester, you do not need to worry about fees not paid in time, you do not need to pay any monthly allowance too, especially for middle or lower income, this is one BIG Burden off our shoulders!

Well, I am still hoping and praying that my girl will be one of the "beesed" ones to get a scholarship from these established companies... Difficult it may seem, with so many smart students, but never give up...  Just Apply, don't get discouraged...


  1. yes, just applied whatever scholarship or loan you can get. I got two during my tertiary education. :)

  2. exam result low also can apply mieh~ sigh...

  3. just apply and keep your finger crossed lah.. at least you have taken the first step right?? :)

  4. chris: wahh..u so geng!!

    mrlonely: try then only you know.. all the best to you!

    sk: no try no gain.. hahaha...

  5. I never apply lol cause I'm too lazy :/

  6. So exciting, Claire! Please let us know, when will you find out either way? You need to start planning a huge celebration meal!!!

  7. Good luck to you and your girl! Sure saves a bundle if can get it.

  8. Good luck Claire. Just go try and submit it.

  9. Yeah never try never know, good luck to her.

  10. Hello! Hello! Hello! I am back!

    I must tell my wife to read this so that she can share with her students. I know that many foundations offer scholarship without announcing it. Good luck!

  11. Hey thanks for sharing,, I am not for it now,,I will sure google it next year,,,by the way I am sure Fernie,,will get some sort of scholar ship one,,,no worry....

    sometimes when I think of you,I am happy really for you cos you really got three wonderful children,,,,

    God bless ya

  12. oh.. did you apply for the one from Maybank? I didn't know you still looking out for it... but will keep an eye for you..

  13. juin: same with my girl.. :)

    ginny: if she gets, sure will be a Thanksgiving day!

    stp: yeah, you should know better. :)

  14. yeeling: yeah..as if i m the student.. hahaha..

    vicky: thank you!

    kathy: thanks too!!

    TM: yes, every now and then there will come up with this or that.. :)

  15. eugene: yes, your time will come next.. :)

    cyn: thank you for keeping an eye.. the Maybank one not suitable cos they dont sponsor her course..


Thank you, readers!

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