Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our House Is Our Home

Taxi, Taxi... this is one movie my kids and I have been thinking of watching but till today, we were unable to do so.  I don't think we would be able to go for this Singapore movie since tomorrow is another busy day for us.... I guess we have to wait for Astro to show it in the coming months.. or years.  :)
Taxi, Taxi ....

Early this morning after breakfast, we started on our House Mission aka Spring Cleaning!  

With full cooperation, the three of us managed to spring clean the whole house... ok, nearly the whole house... curtains washed, cushions change, window panes cleaned, re-arranging the furniture, mopped the floor, tidying up the kitchenwares... etc etc...and etc... zzzzZZZZzzz..  boring paragraph.... hahahaa...

Well, whether it is boring or not... I love this day...

Thank you, Children... for making Our Home A Homely Home....

So have you started on your spring cleaning yet?  :)


  1. I am lucky if I manage ANY cleaning in any season! But after you are done, it is such a GOOD feeling!! Why waiting for taxi, can you go in your car?

  2. I just spring cleaned half way today..still got lots to do

  3. I wonder what was that movie all about

  4. Ginny: The name of the movie is Taxi, Taxi.. :P

    wenn: me got one small portion more.. chap tau chap mei.. :)

    mecoy: about a professor being jobless and become a taxi driver.. something like that...

  5. Taxi taxi is nice.. I watched it last night with my brother... Very good indeed and hope you be able to catch it before it come down from the screen..

  6. Finished? Ok, send them over!!! Lots to do at my house too...and no worries, I will feed them well. LOL!!!!

  7. Spring cleaning?? What's that? Ahhh... That's a man's job.

  8. So good to have 3 kids, and they are indeed handy and helpful.

  9. if you can go catch the taxi.. then good... is a nice movie and very meaningful..


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...