Friday, February 8, 2013

Chinese New Year Minimum Rates

I remember those years when I was working in the Treasury department, I used to get a lot of "red packets" (empty ones, of course) from the banks.   Those were the days that these red packets were hand-delivered right to my hands... but of course, nowadays, there is no more such benefits...

For the first time this year I did not collect any red packets from the banks.... I just make do with whatever was given to me free... like AEON shopping mall, Old town kopithiam, Carlsberg, Guardian...  none from the banks... I am just too lazy to go and ask...
Not only that, I didn't even go to the bank to exchange new notes, thanks to my colleague, she has some "extra" new notes... and I still have some left over from last year... 

Tomorrow I will dedicate the tasks of putting new notes into these red packets or yellow packets or "ang pows" to my kids... by the way, what is the minimum rate this year?  RM2 still acceptable or not?  Or is RM5 minimum now? 

Imagine going to one house with 20 over kids.... RM5 is a big sum...  I guess I am getting more and more frugal... in some house cases, I better stick to my RM2 notes... 

After saying this, I bet no one wants to visit me...  hahahaaa...


  1. hmmm, i also think the RM2 time is already over lah.. guess at least RM5 or RM10 now..

  2. I am not sure what the minimum rate i because I never give but take, haha! However, I don't enjoy getting red packets from relatives, aunties, uncles or cousins as they always feel very 'uneasy' with my single status. 'KAY POH'!

  3. so your chinese new year seems like christmas here giving ang pows to kids huh
    thats interesting

  4. I read from China Press today, minimum is RM 4 now =)

  5. Maybe in Ipoh RM2 still acceptable? But in KL, at least RM5 haha : )

  6. My childhood days kampua 50 sen and minimum ang pao was RM1.10. today, kampua's RM2.50, 5 times give RM5.00 lah. Once a year, never mind - what goes around, comes around. Later the kids scold you, say you so stingy....not good vibes for to start the new year wor... LOL!!!

  7. Aiyor!!! Hayley, 4 = die....cannot have anything in 4's lah... 3 or 5 will be fine.

  8. But RM3 very odd one.. i think no one gives 3rm but 4... even number even though it is sei.. hahahaa.. chinese susah nak layanlah...
    Well, i guess it depends on where you want to go.. a house of 20 over kids, I cannot afford to give rm5 for each one.. hahahaa... Big towkay can la.. :)

  9. Hey Claire, hop over to wish you a very Happy Chinese New Year. I didn't managed to post out any cards this year. Sorry for that! However, may the year of snake brings good health & good wealth to you & your family. Enjoy * have fun!
    Frankly $5 red packets normally is for family members where they have more kids, $10 is for less kids (one child) and $2 is for stranger or far ahead The southern part of M'sia, they often give $10 red packets to everyone, $100 for own kids (some $500) and $50 for family members. while I cannot follow~lah ! Just do whatever I managed & never stress out myself.
    Best wishes, Kristy ((hugs))

  10. Better than nothing. It is the thoughts that counts. Claire, Gong Xi Fa Cai to you & your family.

  11. Thanks Kristy!! Then I better dont live in southern part.. hahahaha.. but those who are single sure would love to be there.. hahahaa...

    irene: yeah, just a token of blessing right!

  12. min rate is RM5 ah? no more rm2 ah....opsie :p

  13. oh, i still give RM2.. cos too many cousins and the kids.. hahaa...


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