Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fabulous Food In Gunong Rapat!

Yearning for some sourish food on a hot Sunday afternoon and suddenly I remember where the exact place to get this!!
Yes!!  The Laksa from Gunong Rapat!
Though the presentation was not so "attractive," 
the laksa soup was so irresistible.. *drool*
And as accompaniments, I chose these varieties!
Well, there is no air conditioned or even a fan...
but the place under the "yum-yum" tree is quite cooling...
Just a modest stall next to the Gunung Rapat hall...
(same row with the school area)
this car caught my eye..
I think my girl will like her car to be painted like this.. LOL..
OK... what is this?? 
While I was taking the laksa, another stall was being opened...
And this stall sells rojak and this crispy fried "Cucuk!" 
The sauce was "out-of-the-world!!"  
It was still Hot and the taste.....???
Oh... I wish I could have some of these now!!
Well, another few more days to go...
My yearning for these will soon be "fulfilled"  


  1. I used to come here for lunch when I was working in Ipoh previously. Yummy laksa!

  2. andrew, yeah, yummy, the soup is thick.. not so watery..

  3. as always food looks yummy
    anyway that car was really cute

  4. I love laksa. The other day my worker's mum cooked laksa and I got a packet from her. Yummy!

  5. wah, the laksa and the liu very nice lah.. i didn't know gunung rapat is a place to eat also.. i only know gunung rapat is famous for the "heong peng".. :D

  6. Oh YUM!! Soup is my favorite thing to eat and this looks so good! When are you going back? I would love that pink car...and so would Ella and Anne Marie!

  7. All looks so good and yummy. So planning to go there for another food marathon. Enjoy yourself.

  8. mecoy: yeah, i like it too..maybe i paint Winnie the Pooh!

    wenn: once awhile take it very shiok, right!

  9. sk: at night famous for their fried noodles too!

    ginny: my girl will love it too! hahaha..

    irene: thinking about it.. hahaha..

    sharon: yes, i agree, it is cute..

    mery: yes, road side stalls are nice...

  10. Yes...i know where is Gunung Rapat. It seems we can get lots of Yong Tao Foo there. Homemade nice!

  11. tapau eat at claire's house while watch tv LOL

  12. ling: yes! you must try it!

    kathy: tar pau no nice one.. eat there sweat then only nice!!

  13. OMG, the car is so damn cute! I love pink!! Too bad, I'm not a fan of Penang Laksa :<

  14. You just made my saliva drip. So bad!

    I love Penang Laksa! I found that Malay Laksa is nice and different too. I never knew Gunung Rapat has delicious laksa too. You so pandai describe until reached heaven's doors. Muahahahaha!

  15. Reminds self not to come to your blog when I am hungry....

  16. shirley: too sour for you or perhaps it is the spices.. some people are not used to this taste.. .

    TM: oh.. in that case, you must come to IPOH.. hahaha...

    MG: *apologetic* hahaha..

  17. May I know where is the exact location of this laksa stall?


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...