Thursday, March 7, 2013

One Dish Is Enough For Simple Folks Like Us!

My auntie has come to stay!!  She is my mom's sister and we like her to come and visit us... but this time she is here to stay with us for a week or so... why do we love her?  Firstly she is a very nice and simple lady..... no fussiness, no airs... and secondly, she makes us laugh a lot....

My auntie has a very hard life during her younger days.... she stayed with her in-laws and all she did that time was to take care of her 6 kids and took care of her in-laws' which comprised of many siblings.... so much so that most of her time were spent only in the kitchen.... now she has a better life, all her kids are big and what she made us laughed was that she confessed that though she spent most of her time in the kitchen, she doesn't know how "tau see" (learn) from her parents' in law...

Of course, we were taken aback... how come she spent a lot of time in the kitchen and not know how to cook?  Well, she told us that all she did was to take orders only... "Go market, wash vegetables, cut up shallots, chopped up meat....cut this, cut that.... and never on the wok at all.... "   And she told us that she never learn... especially those special Hakka dishes... all except One...

So when she mentioned that she was going to cook that One Special dish for us, we were all For IT!

Yes, she cooked just one dish for us yesterday...
And all of us love these!!
I forgot to bring my camera .. 
It didn't do the dish any justice...
Ingredients... minced meat, fish paste, salted fish...
(what others, I am not sure... )
and the remainder of the fillings, fried them up...
Simple Dishes... for Simple Folks!
Love this picture...
After a satisfying dinner, let's have a sit-down together chat.... hmmmm...


  1. Yes, like when my girl's not at home, we would cook a dish with veg and meat and eat with rice. One's enough for a balanced meal.

  2. She sounds like a fun lady, and I know you will hear many good stories from her!

  3. That is certainly delicious hakka dish. My late MIL used to cook it. Bring back sweet memories. Love the last pix.

  4. Both dish is my favorite. I have not eaten the fried mince meat for a very long time. My mum used to cook that when I was still a kid. She love to put some chili to mix with the mince meat for that extra flavor and spiciness.

  5. eh i have one Garfield pillow exactly like that....long time didnt see already..wonder what happen to it or LOL

  6. very true, if that dish is very yummy then i think one is enough.. just like i can finish eating the chicken rice alone without chicken, haha!!

  7. Loves the dishes and the last picture of you and your son...

  8. stp: yes, dump in everything.. and we chump happily too! :)

    ginny: yes, esp those pre-war days..

    irene: i like it too!

  9. andrew: oh yeah.. put in some spicyness also nice hor.. :)

    sk: wow..serious???

    sharon: me ditto to that!! hahaha.

  10. I love Hakka yong tau fu. But I din know the secret ingredient consists of salted fish!

  11. im not really a veggie eater but i guess that dish were perfectly done just how i like veggies would be


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...