Monday, March 11, 2013

Tronoh Town On A Sunday

I drove to Tronoh on a Sunday noon with Tammy... we went the coastal way to fetch my girl and her friend to Tanjung Tualang to have lunch. After our lunch, we went to Tesco in Seri Iskandar to buy some groceries before heading home...

On the way back to Ipoh, both Tammy and I felt so thirsty that our throats were like going to "crack!" Oh gosh.. our lunch in Tg Tualang must be cooked with maximum msg! Terrible... Not only thirsty, my eyes were like going to "close" anytime behind the wheel... serious! 

To reach Ipoh, it would take half an hour or more, I couldn't wait that long ... so when we saw Tronoh sign, we quickly turned into the small secluded town..
 On a Sunday afternoon...
The road was deserted... 
Siesta time?  
These houses reminded me of my own town house
I grew up in one of these type of houses 
ever since I was a baby till I reached 20 years of age..
There are some abandoned ones ...  
Except for one or two shops opened...
Hair cut, anyone?
We got our canned drinks and 
we continued on our way back to IPOH
without feeling a bout of sleepiness after that...


  1. wah!! this Tronoh town looks so deserted, and somehow eerie with those abandoned houses growing trees~~ @_@"

  2. It looks like a very quiet town...

  3. it was not so deserted in the past. guess the folks have left for greener pastures.

  4. I love these houses! So quaint and nice to admire. I am going to Shanghai in 3 weeks time just to admire old buildings.

  5. Looks like a ghost town! Where is everyone?

  6. The ones closed down are very sad...I hope they will fix them up. Do you need more housing there as well...then this would be a good idea.

  7. Hi Reana, Holy Smoke! Tronoh....You really brought back memories to me! Gosh...I used to pass here or stop for coffee wayyyy back in the '70s, early '80s.

    I used to travel these roads very often, and still remember Tanjong to eat the steamed udang galahs there old days. The char kwei teaw in Batu Gajah....seafood lunch at Pantai Remis.

    I remember I fished around Tronoh for haruan few times at those old disused mines. And your pics really made me smile as memories came back.
    Thanks for the memories.

  8. I wonder what it's like on weekdays. Melissa's posted to a school in a small town too - Selangau - Home of the Wild Boar...a lot of the meat there.

  9. wow...I can imagine...what a deserted place and those buildings! I can spend hours there taking photos!

  10. Hi there. I just joined your blog. I really love that pictures. I would love to be in that town and see those old buildings :)

  11. Looks scary. I wonder will it be deserted like that during weekdays? Should preserve the unique shophouses.

  12. sk: i guess not many stay around there anymore..

    mery: maybe that time is siesta time.. :)

  13. chris: yeah, join their kids in bigger cities..

    wenn: i think sunday is normally quiet everywhere.. esp in smaller towns..

  14. tm: sooner or later, these type of colonial houses will be no more, huh..

    foong: resting.. after lunch..

  15. ginny: it is a small town away from the big cities.. i guess the young adults are not there anymore..

    u.Lee: long time no hear! so this post brings back old memories for you? hehee..

  16. stp: how far from your place to her school? is she traveling daily?

    henry: nice and serene..

    angelbear: i bet you do that!! hahaha..

    irene: yeah, these type of shophouses are unique in their own way..

  17. just like our old houses here,
    and the streets were quite synonymous too

  18. The towns are deserted presumably because the younger ones have moved on to the city. Would be lovely to preserve the buildings. Not sure if any of the old mines from the tin mine boom days of 1920s are still present. If yes, this town certainly has quite a bit of tourism value to it.

    Not driven pass Tronoh town for a long time too. Looks like a visit one of these days will be fun...

  19. mecoy: same over here too.. those are town houses...

    missy: Because it was a Sunday, I guess the shops were all closed.. if normal days, I think the street will be busier .. :) Yes, Tronoh is famous for its tin mines...

  20. Argghh...luckily no zombie is spotted.hehehhehe

  21. Tronoh town? where is that? need to google it for its location. I only know some major towns and cities in the Peninsular. Tronoh looks very quiet just like any small little town here in Sabah. :D

  22. The place looks a bit like the one we'd visited; very old & shattered houses. Many of the shops were closed in the day & we were surprised......

  23. Hello to all.Welcome to the end of 18th century they dig the earth to get bijih timah making Tronoh the richest town in Malaya..........Thanks for sharing Tronoh on your blog.


Thank you, readers!

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