Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lucky Restaurant In Pasir Puteh, IPOH

It has been many years since my last visit to this Lucky Restaurant in Pasir Puteh. It is well known for its fresh seafood, prawns, crabs, sea bass among the popular ones. The last time I came by here was more than five years ago, I remember ordering a claypot of noodles made from fish with prawns and it cost RM20 each and it was during breakfast when we had that.

Since that day, I didn't go back till one of my siblings came back from KL and suggested lunch to be taken here in Lucky Restaurant.  He asked me whether I know the way there or not... well, where food is concerned and if it is in IPOH, just tell me the road and...... I'll be there!!  LOL....

 Ok, let's look at the dishes recommended by the Boss himself..
For Five People... 
Claypot Noodles made from fish and cooked with prawns and crabs....
Claypot sourish vegetables..
Fresh and "Juicy Bouncing" Fish Balls
Porridge cooked with abalones and scallops...
Too bad I didn't manage to scoop the "beauties" up...
Last and not least... the Claypot Sea Bass...
The fish skin is so thick...
Heard that it is "Pure Collagen"
Good for ladies... 
Firming and Bouncing Cheeks!
I took one piece only....It was just too filling for me...
Furthermore, my skin is already "thick"
Moreover, I think my cheeks are still firm...

Price : RM300 + 
Believable or Unbelievable??

Lucky Restaurant
266A, Jalan Pasir Puteh
31650 Ipoh
Tel :  05-545 1134


  1. it all looks yummy
    i think i like that Claypot Sea Bass the most!

  2. wah, everyday go and eat nice food huh?? i think i like that first dish the most, claypot fish paste noodles!! wow, see already drooling, think already hungry~~ :D

  3. Wow..RM300 is a bit expensive. Fish dishes are always on the higher side..same here in KK. I like fish but we refrain from taking fish for fear of the red tide.

  4. The fresh and "Juicy Bouncing" fish balls look very "elastic" to me. Will it squirt if I sink my teeth into it? :p

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Wow! You know, it seems that you have endless places to eat there, many more than we have here. We do not have the street cafes and stalls either. Could you guess how many eating places you have around there? Makes what we have seem like not many.

  7. Ohhh, looks like you got a junk comment! I have been getting ones like this, too.

  8. Ummmm....not sure if I would love those dishes. Well, the test of the pudding is in the eating - will have to try, then only can tell.

  9. mecoy: me too! but very filling..

    wk: sure? no problem!!!

  10. sk: next time u come IPOH, i take you there.. but get ready to lighten your pocket..hahahaa..

    agnes: red tide is not good, right? toxic?

  11. tekkaus: try and you will know! :)

  12. ginny: oh dear.. it is nearly endless.. cannot count.. hahaha...
    Yes, i deleted it already and now i m moderating my comments.

  13. stp: when u come, i wont take you there.. u might not like it.. fish with thick skin is more for ladies! hahaha...

  14. Lucky Restaurant???...guess it is not lucky for you. Burnt a big hole in your pocket. Must be you eat dragon meat, abalone and shark fin and all the "ho liaw".

  15. Wow! That is really expensive. I think it's the first dish and the abalone scallops porridge and the sea bass?

    It looks good though...

  16.'s LUCKY to have such a scrumptious meal.hehhehehe

  17. Rm300 ...believe many seafood wor...

    The seabass alone I think minimum rm80 jor lor...

  18. Wahhh...expensive! Food looks yummy though :D Maybe will try out this place when I go back to Ipoh!

  19. Lucky restaurant, haha, nice name!

    The claypot noodles look good! But RM300 is quite expensive I think?


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....