Monday, April 1, 2013

UTP Campus, Perak

Aaron and I took a 45 minutes drive to fetch my girl home from college on Saturday morning. On the way out, we dropped by to Impiana Hotel to take some "goodies" from the Kucing family... those who know them, you will understand what I am talking about, they are always well known for their generosity... its really nice knowing them... hahahaa...

Back to our journey, this time Aaron took the Simpang Pulai way to go to the college, passing a tourist attraction on the way to Batu Gajah....
Since I was not the driver, I could take some pictures this time...
Passed by Kelie's Castle... main attraction in Batu Gajah..
 Picture is not so clear cos taken in the moving car...
Some nice scenery along the way while driving into the campus
Inside the campus.... beautiful tracks for jogging...
Mesmerizing mosque especially during the night... 
The hostels in the campus... 
One of the cafes... or should I say.. canteen...
Aaron stayed here before five years ago.. :)
The nicer hostels...for the more senior ones...
Well, with such a beautiful landscaping and environment, 
this is a beautiful place for students to pursue their studies here...
Like it or not, this is the place where the student has to stay for 5 years...


  1. I used to drove around Perak when I was working here back in the early 90s, just after poly.Missed those enjoyable times sight-seeing around.

  2. So nice the place, so nice the road (using our oil royalty money) - nothing like what we have here (putih mata tengok) - wait...will blog about it in two day's time, I think - already scheduled

  3. so good can stay there in the hostel for the whole five years?? means they have enough rooms and not only meant for the freshies only?? how nice, last time in my uni, you only stay there for the fresh year, senior ones need to get rooms outside of the campus..

  4. Thanks for the tour, this is a very nice college! What is Kellie's Castle?

  5. I wanna go to Batu Gajah one day to look at Kellie's Castle! :D

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  7. Beautiful scenery with nice hostel. This one is exceptional. Allow to stay there for 5 years. Most uni would only allow the 1st two years staying in.

  8. chris: now become father already.. lagi no time.. sigh..

    stp: ok, lets see what you blog about :)

  9. angeline: yeah.. quite nice actually..

    sk: yes.. normally public Uni are like that.. stay first year or so..

  10. tekkaus: go before it "disappears".. :)

    mery: yes, greens are nice..

    irene: yes, but I heard recently, the rule is going to change.. not so sure..

  11. cre: lots of greenery...

    kathy: nope, coastal way, not so..

  12. The hostels look so new..the maintenance must have been good.

  13. well the whole place seems safe and clean huh

  14. Ever saw bloggers blog about Kelie's Castle, but have not been there...

  15. I have passed Kellie's castle many times but was too afraid to step inside. Is it haunted?


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...