Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Endless Love... EndlessThank You-s

Thank you once again for your well wishes and comments... I really appreciate them very much... Blogging indeed is a blessing to all of us, distance is not an obstacle, near or far, we get to know each other through our blogs and that includes Facebook and other social media....

Thank you to all of you.... if I could, I would love to send out a small token to all of you.. hahaha... by the way, I am still owing some tokens to a few of you who have participated in my giveaway and guessing game.  Please bear with me, once I am able to "run" fast, I will get them sent out as soon as I can!  :)  Meanwhile.... I sit most of the time....

Another surprise was in store for me this afternoon.... I really want to thank these two ladies here...
A large bag with healthy goodies inside....
and that includes a Mother's Day gift too!
This Lady blogger gave me all these... 
How not to get well.. :)
Thank you very much, Wenn!
and distance has no barrier for another Lady Blogger here too...
I didn't know there are "fish essence" until I received this.. :)
Thank you Kathy!!
and while I was "recuperating" at home, 
many of my colleagues came to my house... 
one group after another...I am indeed very touched....
Here I am... skinny legs and all... :)
Well.. I am indeed very touched by all your thoughts and gestures..
For those who visited me when I was in hospital (Elin and gang), Thank You!
For all of your well wishes and comments, Thank You!
For those who visit me at home, Thank You!
For all your prayers for me, Thank You!


  1. Now they have this bottled "fish essence" which is very convenient. After operation, people would look for this type of fish to eat. Suppose to heal the wounds faster, I hear. Hope everything is fine now. From your trade mark (peace sign)& smile, I assume you are getting better.

  2. Wish you a speedy recovery! Yes, fish essence is great for healing. You eat and rest more.

  3. Get well soon. It's all thanks to Wenn for her help in advice on what best to get for you. Wenn was very kind :-)

  4. irene: i guess I am outdated.. I only heard of this yesterday..

    rose: thank you!

    kathy: yeah.. very nice of you all..

  5. So sweet of everybody to send you things. Feeling bad, I did not send you anything at all. So terrible, this friend. Your colleagues also so nice to drop by. What goes around comes around - you are always so nice and kind and generous to people, that is why.

  6. oh, so thoughtful of your blogger friends to have poslaju all those things for you once they were informed of your hospitalization.. only sweet and kind people deserve all these sweet thoughts!! :)

    again lightning speedy recovery Claire..

  7. stp: how sweet of you to say that.. well, we have pretty good friends around us, that's for sure.. ! :) A real blessing!

    sk: thank you!! words, gifts.. they are all expressions of great friendship! :)

  8. You are welcome. Make sure you rest well and take care.

  9. It is good to see you, Claire, you are looking well.

  10. Good for you Claire. Kathy is very thoughtful to get you this goodies bag.

  11. that was a huge goodie bag from wenn! she sure is generous

  12. glad that you are recovering well...

  13. Glad to see your cheerful smile again.

    Get well soon, Claire and can't wait to see your foodie post again.ahaha

  14. Oh so this is the Mother's Day gift set they promo on radio lah. Very nice & warm gift you receive.

  15. Thank you all... God bless you!

  16. Good to see you looking well in the photos. Nice of Wenn and Kathy to send you those health food.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...