Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hospitalized After Scotland Trip

My Scotland posts are being "interrupted" for some days now, mainly due to the fact that I was admitted to Fatima Hospital almost immediately when I came back from Scotland.   Nothing really serious other than couldn't sit properly, couldn't stand for long, have to keep on walking to lessen the pain and the best option was to lie down on the bed to take away the pain.

I consulted the gynae around 10am and he told me to get admitted for surgery almost immediately.. but I went home to get my stuff and by noon, I was on the hospital bed, preparing to be "cut."  :)

Nothing serious actually.. Doc said he only takes around 10-15 min... he is such a friendly guy actually.. makes me feel at ease...

Taken to the operation theatre at 3pm and was back in the room around 4pm.... fast, right?
My eligibility is around RM200 per night...
So here I was in the semi-private room that cost RM175 per night..
with a plasma TV and air con room...
overlooking some coconut trees from the first floor....
To occupy myself while waiting for surgery,
Sudoku helps... before and after too...
My morning breakfast provided by the hospital...
Chee Cheong Fun with Dhal curry.... or is it paruppu... 
Not bad... new combination and I like it!
I am now recuperating at home...
Thank you for your well wishes...


  1. Singapore, can die but cannot go hospital, medical expenses soooooooo expensive...

  2. Rest... rest... rest... and go online again. :)

  3. Rest well, don't worry about blogging, we can wait!

  4. Claire really hope you are getting well now. Rest more if can.

  5. Guess lying in the hospital is more bored than blogging right? hehehe

  6. sharon: buy insurance! :)

    pam: yes, teacher! :)

    hayley: am better now already..

  7. angeline: yes.. i will rest more.. hospital ok lar... if no pain, then ok to stay longer.. hahaha..

  8. oh god, the good thing is nothing so serious but then take a good rest and get well soon okay

  9. Be extra careful and do what the doctors tell you to do so you will heal quickly. So sorry your trip ended with you going to the hospital, but that's over and you're now on you way to recovery.

  10. Oh, Claire!!!!! What was wrong??? What did they operate on?? When can you do normal tings and work again?? Was it your back? I hope you are finally fixed up really good, and my prayers for healing will be with you, praying for you, my friend.

  11. P.S. you never complain!!!! Continue to review the food in the hospital...you are a real trooper, a strong woman!!

  12. awww. get well soon! and rest more! dont blog ad. =p

  13. So nice, so cheap...cheaper than hotels in KL...and maybe also Ipoh!!!

    Hmmm...wish I knew what exactly your ailment was but anyhow, hope all is ok now.

  14. Glad that you are fine now. Take care and rest well.

  15. So sorry to hear of your hospitalisation. May God be with you during this time. Take care

  16. Sorry to hear that you had to be admitted.. but glad that you had a nice breakfast at least! Heheh.. get well soon!

  17. can see your house from the window, i bet... hmmm . get well fast, i wanna go ipoh makan and makan, cos so sad lah...

  18. wah lau eh......the commentary is like going for a stay in five stars hotel leh LOL

  19. Hi Claire,
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and God Bless! KG

  20. Get well soon, Claire. Hope you are doing better now. Rest more,ok.

  21. Haiz,,,,,,,,,may be you jalan too much already lah,,, rest well ya

  22. You cut your small intestine out?? Too hectic holiday until penat. Good that you are resting and recovering now. All blogs waiting for you.

  23. Thank you friends.. ladies and gentlemen.. yeah.. memang penat..after jalan jalan... old age ma.. so moral of story, jalan when you are young!

  24. oh, shocking that you were admitted to hospital and being operated!! but i am glad that you are still able to blog and joke around.. speedy recovery to you Claire!! :)

  25. Gynae cut what away oooooo? Fast recovery Claire. And don't blog so much! REST!!!

  26. Cut what oooo? Fast recovery Claire. Don't blog too much. REST!!

  27. Do rest a lot and hope you are back to your healthy self soon!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...