Monday, May 13, 2013

Our Evening In Pitlochry

We walked along the shops, it is really called window shopping cos all the shops are closed and all we saw are the goods displayed with their prices... lovely woolen scarfs were on display and we told Aaron that tomorrow morning we must come again to get some stuff... but needless to say, the next day, all was forgotten and we went on our way to continue our adventure...

Again I wonder how the locals "survived" in this lovely town... It is just like those in the story book where A knows B, and B knows C... I am sure they know who is who.....
on the way back....
the smallest roundabout?
taken while walking up the drive back to the guest house...
back to take our dinner, relax in the living hall.. and ZZZZzzz
The next day we proceeded to Perth/Edinburgh!


  1. that place sure has a lot of interesting view huh, i like the houses the street and most especially that river there

  2. hahaha...from the photos ah...makes me imagine all those Enid blyton books ...expect fairys to come out

  3. Seen even smaller ones in London. I mean really small ones, and not only one, but many, in the neighbourhood of my Uncle's place, Croydon.

  4. Very pretty to visit, I love the creek. BUT I wouldn't want to live there, everything is always CLOSED!!!

  5. They have Perth there too? Gee!! Every place looks quite deserted. Hardly anybody around.

  6. hey, don't you think it's just so sweet and so warm and so nice when everyone knows each other in that little place?? hahaha.. but of course when you did something and people start gossiping behind you, then that's not something good~~ :D

  7. That's a cool walk. You got to admire the surroundings slow n steady. I love to look at the buildings. Awesome structures.

  8. Love the cute shops. I know I must go in even without buying anything.

  9. Such a pretty little town! :D Looks very serene

  10. Laugh at the roundabout. The place looks desserted.

  11. Cool weather - nice for a walk. There are many small roundabouts in UK, not seen here in M'sia.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...