Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shopping In French Connection, Edinburgh

After taking "5".. we didn't waste much time and soon we stretched our legs by walking around the Edinburgh town....Our guest house is very convenient, just a short distance and there are shopping malls, tourist sights, restaurants and dining places around each corner....
Aaron told me that if we come by in Edinburgh again, we must stay in this Queens....
Here we go again..... Walking!
the roads are not tarred... something like Italy, so Aaron said..
the Intersection to our guest house..
Though the weather is sunny and yet, it is so cold...!!
oopps... my eyes were tired then??
oh, but they opened again when we saw French Connection!
See who is quicker than me???  hahahaa...
while the auntie and nephew shopped, I took pictures from the top floor...
A nice and peaceful town ... as usual...
and soon it was time for dinner....
We went to Rick's!


  1. Everywhere in Scotland is so beautiful and charming. My aunt who married a Brit had always wanted to visit Scotland. Believe it or not, she has stayed in London for nearly 4 decades but was never granted a chance to fly to a neighbouring country. The reason is, my 'gwai loh' uncle doesn't like places that rain frequently. Sigh...

  2. Can see the weather is quite nice!
    And yea I agree with you, the town looks peaceful!

  3. indeed the roads look natural..nice place

  4. Nice, I want to visit Edinburgh again after looking at your photos. Thanks for posting them. :)

  5. What have you bought so far? Gosh, you must have been totally exhausted from all the walking!

  6. I love the sunny weather overseas - bright and yet, so nice and cool...not like here, sweating plus-plus!

  7. i dont mind walking there lo! the weather so niceeee! here walk 1 minute also sweat like hell!

  8. Beautiful place! I wish I am there right now! Over here is so hot and I am wearing the thinnest clothing I can find! Lol!

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  10. Nice buildings. Love the weather, sunny but cold.

  11. well if i were there i would probably just taking pictures the buildings was just so stunning,
    but then i think their stuff were great as well, but i bet a bit expenssive

  12. so did u buy anything from fcuk?


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...