Thursday, June 27, 2013

Delicious Desserts And Relaxation At Straits Quay

What was something "missing" after our dip-dip dinner? It is none other than Desserts lo!!  LOL..  So how many have guessed it correctly?    I think there is only one...  :)

After dinner we proceeded to Straits Quay.... one of my friends had not been there before and this place is worth going to especially for first timers...
So here we are... at the ground floor...
More for window shopping for me... 
At the center court, two young men were performing....
Not so sure why they were wearing these attire...
Then we proceeded to the dock.... where the yachts were docked...
It was a Full Moon night...
The place was quite transquilizing...

I think I have captured these sights many times before.....
and still continue to do so each time I come by here.... 
Ok, now the answer to my yesterday's post.... it is here!
Delicious is always crowded... so it seems...
I guess many of us patrons like to come by here for their Delicious Desserts!
Andy ordered his favourite chocolate moist with ice cream....
and a piece of Cheese Cake with Caramel Walnut Toppings!
Well... this is what I called Full Satisfaction!
Love the Desserts Lots!
It is time to take a walk after Desserts...
Hi Snoopy!
.... And a time to Rest and Relax....
....before we called it a Night....


  1. Been to Straight Quays a few times, actually the view at night is very pretty, can see the yachts some more.

  2. wah, really "soh foo" hor you.. dinner and dessert and then massage, so enjoyable lah you life, haha!!

    the Straits Quay looks very nice leh.. and having that nice Cheese Cake with Caramel Walnut Toppings as dessert while enjoying the view of the Quay is just heaven right??

  3. hayley: ever wonder who are the owners? :)

    sk: old already ma.. so must relax a bit here and there...

  4. My favorite snoopy. Huh stomach still got place for dessert?

  5. Been ages since I been to Penang! Nice pixs!

  6. All the desserts looking so good! I love your snaps of the docked boats, you take the BEST snaps of them! Time to rest now in those amazing chairs, I bet they cost a fortune!

  7. Desserts looks good. You have very sweet tooth. Never missed the desserts.

  8. Dessert? But the "drink" you had...already dessert mah. Tsk! Tsk!

    Hmmmm...that one choc lava cake kah? The choc sauce supposed to be sealed inside the cake leh? Fail liao lor!!! Must come to Sibu and try ours. Best in the world. Hehehehehehe!!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. bananaz: for desserts, anytime! :)

    chris: thanks for the compliment.. :)

  11. ginny: we just put a dollar and we can rest for 3 minutes massage :)

    irene: a meal will be complete with desserts!

  12. stp: you should know me by now.. must have cakes to end the meal.. :) sweet tooth ma... what to do..

  13. Wahhhhh... so relax. Very nice la claire!

  14. cleff: I agree with you.. Penang Straits Quay is nice....

    sharon: All nice.. hahaha..

  15. Oohh...certainly DELICIOUS desserts.

  16. The thing i always order at Delicious is the Salmon Steak. Yums!
    The dock looks quiet and peaceful.. But if alone, can be a little spooky..

  17. I went to Straits Quay to drink but missed the shopping areas. Looks pretty exciting place. I love the desserts at Delicious but they are so expensive.

  18. ling: nice to eat.. but fattening.. haha..

    bella: no, it is not quiet.. nor spooky... :)

    TM: that is why we shared 2 pieces.. :)

  19. well you know how i love desserts right? and those sweeties are just
    so captivating

  20. Not crazy about dessert but if yau yan belanja lor.....ahem ahem

  21. I dare not eat cakes after meals as desserts because of the sugar content. Will eat cakes separately during tea time and not as part of a main meal and also not a whole slice but one third of a slice only. What to do, prevention is better than cure - scared of getting diabetes.


Thank you, readers!

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