Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dip-Dip In Rat Island

Back to the hotel around 5pm and waited for Andy to finish his classes... by the time we got ready for dinner, it was almost 6pm and it was time for Dinner! Andy suggested Rat Island for food .. does it sound appetizing?  LOL... Well,  we three ladies readily agreed... anything goes as long as the food is good!
Pasar Pulau Tikus... Rat Island Market! 
So what is special here.... Andy?
Lok-Lok... or should I say.. Dip-Dip?
Yes, Lok-Lok as we used to call them during the yester-years...
These were served on the table and all you got to do is to choose 
and dip them into the hot boiling water in the middle...
That is why I called it Dip-Dip....
What shall I eat..... hmmmm.....
 Different type of sauces to choose from....
At the same time, we ordered Fried Koay Teow...
and ... my favourite drink...
 Kind of messy, right?
Our dinner was quite cheap...
Only RM28 for the Lok-Lok...
And we were filled to the brim....
Looks like Andy enjoyed his dinner... 
We surely did.. but .....
Something is still missing after dinner...
Can you guess what it is? 
First Correct answer will get one small souvenir.. 
The answer will be in tomorrow's post!!


  1. I like this type...with clear boiling water and not the satay gravy type that they have in Malacca. The gravy coiling like the mud pools in Rotorua, New Zealand...or worse...ummm..never mind! Hehehehe!!!! Then people eat the stick halfway, dip in again to get more gravy...all the saliva inside. Eyewwwwwww!!!!!

  2. The ckt looks nice... what's lacking? No see ham (cockles)?

  3. stp: really meh? So serious? like mud pools.. hahaha.. sound so gross.. but with the boiling water, anything also gone case la..
    No, the answer not correct.. try again! :)

  4. i've always heard of Pulau Tikus but i didn't know there's a market there with so much of nice food!! oh, i want to go there!!

  5. surely a lot better than the already-very-touristy-and-commercialized Gurney Drive right??

  6. sk: I havent tried other stalls yet.. just the dipdip and the ckt.. must go one more time then only can say nice or not.. :)

  7. hm, they have a lot of choice.


  8. Dessert or coffee is missing? We have this here! It is called Fondue. You dip the protein in the hot oil. Then for desserts there are cubes of cake or fruit and you dip in the hot sauces, cheese or chocolate.

  9. Agree with Arthur. At least this dip dip is far better than the satay celup in Malacca. RM 28 for all those is dirt cheap and best part is all are full and satisfied. Hmm...I saw a 20/50 cents coin on the table. Drinks is missing.

  10. I know!!!!! No fork and spoon or chopsticks for the char kway teow!!! Right or not?

  11. Wait a minute! Got leh... You people used them to eat the lok lok, I can see that. Hmmmmm!!!!

  12. Pulau tikus aka rat island? We have been talking about it many many times how this place got it name?

  13. Its not an island and yet its called rat island haha. Maybe lots of rats in that area those days and or even now the same thing can see those rodents roaming about haha.

  14. Surprising have not eaten the lok-lok in rat island or any lok-lok else where while residing in Penang but only at Padang, maybe not a lok-lok fan hehe.

  15. filip: yes..they do.. :)

    ginny: Fondue is nice.. i like dipping in marshmallows in chocs!

  16. irene: dirt cheap! hahahaa..i like that.. no, the answer is not drinks.. try again.. :)

    stp: la.. try again.. hahaha..

  17. bananaz: oh i havent tried the Padang yet.. heard that it is also crowded at night too.. not so sure why called Pulau Tikus.. hahaha..

  18. Penang has a lot of yummy yummy foods ya...

  19. Been to Penang a few times but tarak gone to pulau tikus market

  20. Pulau Tikus is one of the expensive spot in Penang even kopi 'o' is dearer by 10sen compared to downtown. Probably of the rich tycoons living there. Not sure about the trend now as Penang has developed so much already.

  21. Next time if you go Padang try the 'green fish' in Hokkien its 'chair hu' some kind of Chinese pasembor.

  22. stp: didnt see... :)

    kathy: next time with me! :)

    bananaz: thanks for the info! wanna try green fish.. :)

  23. Oh I remember this place! Used to come here quite often for the lok lok too! Ahh memories.. what's missing ah.. dessert? Maybe ABC? Hehe

  24. sweetwitch: you know my heart's desires.. hahaha...

  25. well, interesting set of foods huh,
    I kinda like such type of foods I grew up eating those haha i just miss it now

  26. mecoy: bring back old memories, right? :)

  27. Shame on Blogger SK!! He has never visited Penang or Ipoh but he went overseas so many times! Phiak his head!

  28. I love Penang food but I won't try the Lok Lok so that I can fill my tummy with Mee Goreng, Pasembor and Char Koay Teow.

  29. RM28 for all the sticks of lok lok at your table? That's a lot. Did you manage to finish eating all of them?


Thank you, readers!

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