Monday, June 24, 2013

The Laksa By The Drain

Immediately after dropping our bags in the hotel room, we adjourned to Air Itam for the famous laksa...  No time wasted, haze might loom over Penang soon... LOL... this time I drove cos my son had to go to college at 2pm.... Actually I was not sure of the way to Air Itam but using my "mental" GPS, somehow or rather, we managed to reach there without losing our way....
Air Itam Market, just right opposite to the Famous Laksa stall...
The sun was shining bright... no haze yet on Saturday....
My sister used to call this... The Laksa by the drain....
crowded as usual...
but once you get a seat, the laksa will come within 5 minutes!
Very fast service....
this is called THE LAKSA...
Now RM4.00 already!
 (forgotten to tell them not to put prawn paste!)
After messing mixing them up, the Laksa became like this....
I prefer them to be sourish... 
but with the prawn paste, it became a bit sweetish....
I wanted some "sun tan" so I stood under the sun a bit longer... hehehee...
Then we drove to this Chinese Medical Hall to get some Chinese herbs...
Bought a few packets of herbs and the owner was so nice...
Treated us to some Balik Pulau Durians!
Forgot to take some pictures... too busy eating the durians, I guess! LOL...


  1. Eyewwww!!!! My friends drove me all the way there - said it was the best in Penang but when we arrived, I changed my mind about eating...for obvious reasons. No, thank you.

  2. No haze when you were there. Count your blessing. The laksa looks so messy. should have wipe the side of the bowl to make it look more presentable. Anyway, it is the laksa we eat and not the bowl.

  3. stp: hahaha.. i think i know why..

    irene: yes...the people go there to take laksa and not mind about the presentation.. :)

  4. Even for a Penangite like me would not recommend this laksa for hygiene purposes.... there are some other better options. Laksa without shrimp paste is like lacking of a soul la LOL :P

  5. I like everything except, DO NOT like pineapple in my laksa! I love bunga kantan smell nice!!

  6. Never been to Ayer Itam before, looks like a food heaven too!

  7. I've been there, but i think there are other places also have nice laksa.

  8. ken: my sister used to say.. the dirtier, the tastier.. hahaha.. true true..

    unknown: me too.. i love that smell too..

    hayley: get ready to sweat!! hahaha...

    angeline: yes, there are lots of stalls but this one is tourist area...

  9. I dislike laksa with shrimp paste too..

  10. weather is good and the sky is clear!! how nice for a bowl of "dirty" laksa, most of the time, delicious things don't need nice presentation and people still eat lah~~ :D

  11. I love the colorful umbrellas! We watched a cooking competition the other night and they had a surprise ingredient they had to make something with very FAST! And it was a durian!! I immediately thought of YOU!

  12. wenn: both of us same taste then! :)

    sk: once famous, anything also can!

    ginny: now you know how smelly a durian is.. hahaha...

  13. Good that it is clear without the haze...

  14. sharon: but today sure is hazy...

    kathy: nak pergi?

  15. Slurpp..had laksa last week at pasar malam. Bet not as good as this.

  16. Oh! I know that laksa man's family for a long time and used to go clubbing with his brother in law who boasted that he was the best looking guy in Air Itam. I thought he looked like the laksa gravy to me. LOL. Wakakakaka

    That busy Laksa man is probably the richest hawker in whole Air Itam. Their taste is a bit different but I normally added lots of vegetables and drank the soup dry. I heard some Penang Laksa stalls add chicken feed or old newspaper pulp to thicken their gravy. So you better look at the fish meat clearly! It could have chinese words on it. Muahahaha

  17. ling: Must try then only know. :)

    TM: last time I heard some rumours that tissue paper were used to thicken the pulp.. but i dont think so la.. people likes to add spices when one get famous.. :)

  18. I also don't dare to eat at this place although I lived in Penang for 4 years, hehehe!

  19. there is one laksa equivalent nice which i heard it's relative of the Laksa by the Drainage. This Laksa located in the housing area and the Kopitiam called Genting. :)

  20. mun: aiyoh..serious? aiyah.. i have taken a bowl.!

    tz: Genting? near mana? :)

  21. How come the laksa looks a bit different? I prefer the peranakan style.

  22. I mean I don't dare eat it but of course it is all right to eat it if you don't mind eating there.

  23. shirley: this is Penang style.. :)

    mun: hahhaa..just kidding with you.. yes, i dont mind.. cos i only go once a blue moon! :)

  24. Thank God for the rain - at least the haze is lessening. Pity me, I'm one of those who can't stand the smell of durians.


Thank you, readers!

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