Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Main Attraction Of Penang Sights And Travels

From Penang Road, we drove around the town area looking for the main spotlight of the trip... ie. the Wall Paintings....  We heard and read about these wall paintings in the town but never really seen them in real yet... Thanks to our our Penang tour guide, Andy.... in no time, we managed to park our car around the vicinity and walked around.... ooopsss.. must take umbrella, OK!
If you see the crowd, you will know that something Happening must be there, right? 
Yes, another line-up!
Not for cendol this time though....... hahahaa.....
But for the bicycle and two joyful kids....
Something familiar, right? 
Around the area, we came upon some cartoons made from metal and wires...
Anyone read the scripts above?
Not sure what these cartoons meant... 
Must go and read properly next time... 
But at least they "brighten" up the town area.... 
A Giganto Cat!!
Step By Step Lane... hmmmm....
Very nice and real though... 
Hope the paint colours won't fade so soon...
For those who prefer not to walk.. you can opt for 
Yes, we can go cycling around... especially in the evening when the sun is down...
It is a better option... I think I will do that next time! :)


  1. Hahaha!!...this time queue up for photo taking. Those paintings are really nice. Like the giant cat. Very interesting place to visit.

  2. I hope to be able to go there and see all those nice paintings some day...that is if they have not been vandalised. Have read reports of that happening at least twice, if i remember correctly. So terrible those people, can't appreciate what's good and is for them to enjoy and be proud of!!!

  3. Haha, need to queue to take photo with the painting on the wall. Have not seen any of the paintings, thanks for sharing!

  4. i also heard about this new "tourist attraction" in penang.. wow, really a lot of people, especially queuing up for that cycling sister and brother painting!!

    p/s: i am sure your good friend would love that giant cat!! :p

  5. Stp: yes..i also hope that the people will appreciate these and not vandalize them...

    Mun: first time for me too!

    Sk: i think our good friend will go there very soon! Haha

  6. Looks like you went to quite a lot of places in Penang!
    I love those mural paintings, wish to see the giant cat! I love cat, meow~

  7. Great murals. Love the boy jumping and the cat.


  8. These are amazing!!!! Are they all done by different artists? The big cat, how looks just like our Simba.

  9. Saw quite a no. of bloggers went there take pictures...

  10. It is becoming a tourist attraction now eh? I have yet to see those mural paintings. Kudos to the artists!

  11. You should have gel-up your hair to look exactly like the one next to you haha

  12. Guess that cartoon meant the rickshaw man fell into the drain as the manhole being stolen

  13. have to walk around Penang heritage to see all the mural on my next trip. I did the mural walk in Brussel :p

  14. that's interesting! must do that one day!

  15. Nice paintings! I like the one with the basketball... hopefully they will be able to stay nice for long!

  16. me didnt go leh......bring me next time

  17. Hayley: i like the cat painting too... Very real...

    Filip: i love them too..

  18. Ginny: i think the paintings are one by different artists..

    Sharon: yes..i saw them in blogs too..

  19. Carolyn: so they are called mural paintings... Now i know..

    Bananaz: next time perhaps...haha...

  20. Tz: hope they have more of these in other states too...

    Wenn: yes, do go one day!

  21. Claire, I see people queuing to take photos of the artistic wall.**adoi so hot la**

  22. Sweetwitch: yeah..i hope so too...

    Kathy: jom!!!:

  23. Aiyo.. queue under the scorching hot sun to get a picture is very the suffering oooo.. But I like them all!

  24. The person who started the mural-concept should be given a well-deserved datukship since it has been a huge plus point in attracting more visitors to Penang.

  25. interestingly artistic and creative huh, how I wish we have such thing here too,
    i like that shouting shot of you

  26. ling: memang hot!!

    merryn: tourists ma... hahaha...

  27. gratitude: i also like to know who they are... :)

    mecoy: i think sooner or later, they will be over in your country too. :)

  28. Wow... the grafitti street art is beautiful! I wanna go and see too, Claire! :D

  29. Cleff, make a trip up before they fade... :)

  30. ROTFL! Muahahahaha! You looked so funny posing outside the shop lot. I am sure you are the most creative blogger to pose photographs!!

  31. TM: I think you are the only one who say that...hahahaa... I am the wooden type normally.. hahaha..


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...