Friday, July 19, 2013

Pattaya Beach During The Day

What is the difference between Pattaya and Phuket... oh, for many times, I have confused between the two... both are more or less the same, sunshine and beautiful beaches! I have been to Phuket once and that was in the 1980s... and I have been to Pattaya also once and between the two, I think I prefer Pattaya... even a dish over here in Malaysia is called Pattaya rice! (Fried rice being wrapped up with fried egg!)  So I guess Pattaya is more popular among Malaysians?

I had one regret though... going to Pattaya for a day trip from Bangkok is not truly encouraged... Why?  Because during the day, the sun was blazing hot and most of the shops/bars/pubs are closed during the day!   Pattaya only "comes alive" during the night, I believe.... I miss out all the food snacks, the hawkers stalls, the shopping, the "highlights" and all these happen during the night... Well, to experience all these, it is worth staying a night or two... (my opinion....)
During the day... it was all Sun and Light... hahahaa....
.... and "covered head and eyes!
But during the day, you can admire the beautiful Pattaya Beach...
.... though I have to "squint" my eyes whenever I take the pictures.....
and at times I ended up taking "not-so-interesting" scenes... hahaha....
But the picture comes alive when two ladies stood here.. LOL...
How about this?  I love this picture!
I must have "me" in it....
Well, that's it... Pattaya City behind me....
Miss the night life though...


  1. My four eyes....I thought I saw papaya lol

  2. KATHY, the heat got into you too??? hahaha...

  3. I know both of them also situated at Thailand, LOL! xD

    But I've never been to any of them yet la!! Hur hur~

  4. hmmmm, but i so ulu lah, i have not been to either Pattaya or Phuket before!! i think i must plan my trips to these beautiful islands already..

  5. Hayley: dont forget to bring suntan lotion...haha

    Sk: yes.. U must go! :)

  6. so hot! *faints* p/s: i'm puteri lilin LOL :P

  7. yea, it's so hot. Good that you had your hat on. Love the pictures!

  8. When you first mentioned these two places, I thought they were food dishes!!! They are so pretty, have you tried the night life, maybe lots of pretty lights, shopping and food. How far away from home?

  9. Looks very good, do you like Pattaya? I know it as a place with a doubtful reputation.


  10. Never been to Pattaya but I think each place has its own beauty. Now planning for a trip. Nice shot you have there.

  11. Wah!!! So hot!!! I'd stay in the hotel room all day. Here, been raining quite a nice and cool.

  12. Been to Pattaya before but not Phuket...

  13. This is the first time I hear someone prefers Pattaya instead of Phuket. Maybe you didn't see enough of the island which is very beautiful with clear waters compared to Pattaya. Go again to Phuket!!!

  14. it was a real life post card, that's how i can describe such places

  15. You are so sporting to pose for so many photos. I have not been to Pattaya.

  16. Ken: hi puteri... Hehe

    Wenn: thanks!

  17. Ginny: few hour flight from home...

    Filip: you dare not go?

  18. Ginny: few hour flight from home...

    Filip: you dare not go?

  19. Irene: then you must show me your pictures when u come back...

    Stp: then u better dont go if sty in hotel whole day... Haha

  20. Sharon: i aso cannot temember much about phuket

    Tm: then i must go again!

    Mecoy: yes i agree with u...

  21. Holiday? You've fully recovered?? Mmmm.... I wouldn't try a day trip as it's too tiring.

  22. Shirley: Not a day trip from Malaysia.. a day trip from Bangkok.. hahaha... this trip is not now.. but sometime back already...

  23. I haven't been to Pattaya. In fact most of the beaches in Thailand, I have not visited.


Thank you, readers!

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