Monday, August 26, 2013

Guess-away Answer Goes To...

Three of you answered correctly.... The dish that we ordered Big Portion was Ju Hu Char!  Yea, it was our favourite dish and we wanted to eat to our satisfaction... Lol.... Many of you guessed the crispy fried squid, not too bad but a normal portion will do for that dish... :)

The correct answers belonged to Angeline, Irene and Huai Bin... Congratulations to the three of you and if you had looked closely, I had given a tip in my post.  I snapped two pictures of the Ju Hu Char and elaborated a bit. :) 
This is a MUST dish in Bee Gaik restaurant!

Since there is only one prize, I made a 1,2,3 paper lots...hahaha...and the number that came up is 2... and that is Irene!

Thank you to you all for coming by to comment... From now on, I will post up my Guessaway posts! Kind of fun though...the only thing is I got to go to the post office more often! Hahaha...


  1. Oh, I missed the fun earlier. But will look forward to more guessaway posts from you! :)

    Congrats to Irene!

  2. Congrats, Irene. Not my favourite dish though - that jiu hu char.

  3. Actly it was really fun to have this kind of guessing game.

  4. rose: yes, do look out... just for the fun of blogging!

    stp: oh, it is definitely Our favourite! Have you try it before, Arthur? If not, next time will take you there.. hahaha...

  5. angeline: yes, thanks for joining, you got the right answer, only 3 of you so it is fairer to do the draw.. :)

  6. Congrats to Irene! Didn't know that you give clues in the very same post, lol. :)

  7. The guessing is so much FUN!! I would never have guessed this one. Please keep us informed on your mom and how she is doing!

  8. mun: slowly read then you will know.. :)

    ginny: sure! Thanks!!

  9. Congrats to Irene! :D

    Haha! Yeah, I got your clues and the size also can be seen from the photos.

  10. HB, yes, you are like the CSI.. hahahaa...

  11. Yikes! Are you saying I simply read your post!? ;p

  12. Mun, no, no, not that.. hahaha... you didnt simply read.. i said slowly read.. cos i mentioned something about the dish like HB mentioned..
    I cant thank you enough for coming by already.. ! :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...